
Monday, December 19, 2011


I like plans.
I like long range plans, and short range plans. 
I do not mind if a plan gets changed, as long as there IS a plan!

As we get closer to our winter trip the plans have changed. 

We are now going to leave on Friday instead of Saturday. If we need to overnight, we will still get to San Diego by Christmas Eve.

We are going to drive down on Hy. 101, a more meandering state highway with better scenery and more opportunities to stop, instead of I5, a straight and somewhat boring Interstate down the center of the state.

Taking 101 adds a few  miles, and will take a little longer, but it will probably be more interesting.

The biggest change is that we have decided not to take the car.  We are not set up to tow yet, and we had planned on one of us driving the Alfa and one the Prius.  But that's no fun!  Without the car we can more comfortably trade off on driving the Alfa.  I want my time behind the wheel too.

Looking at our itinerary we decided we really only need a car for few days out of the four weeks we will be gone.  So we are just going to rent one in L.A. We have a couple of days after the parade and before the rally to do things in L.A.  It would be pretty hard to find parking for a 36' Motorhome! We shouldn't need one at the rallys themselves.  We will be with other Alfa people, and hopefully if we need to get to a store or something we can get a ride with someone else.

I plan on being pretty well prepared as far as groceries go, and I can't think of anything else we will need a car for.

We may take our time coming home, but we will just have to manage without side trips this time.

The next few days will be very busy for me.  I'm going to start packing The Big White Thing tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a good plan to work from.

    Wishing you and Craig a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  2. And here we thought we would be at the parade too! Here we are, still in Indiana getting our house ready to sell

  3. sounds like a good plan..and if you are not set up as yet to tow the car..why have each of you being tired from driving least then you can share the driving!!

  4. I admire planners; Sandy is one and I'm not. Since I do most of the cooking, she allows me to avoid planning meals by departing home with the least groceries possible--just those basics from the fridge that will go bad before we return. When we want to cook something in the RV, we just pick up the fixins' at the grocery store wherever we happen to be. Saves lots of pre-departure hassle.

  5. How exciting is this! A nice trip, and a nice destination..

  6. That sounds like a good plan. I had forgotten about the Alfa Rally..that should be fun.

  7. My friends will be at that rally I think. Barb said it is not just for Alfa's (which they do have) but that all the Alfa's usually park in the same area. Maybe you all will meet up. Enjoy your Holidays.

  8. Sounds like a great plan and also a lot of fun..

  9. I'm a planner too. Changing plans is a way of life on the road. :)

  10. What an exciting sounding trip! I'm sure you'll do fine without a car - it will just take a bit more planning (which you seem well practiced for).

  11. That's a very good plan, Merikay. You will enjoy that drive a lot more. We went that way earlier this year, and it's a lot more interesting, as you say. Get some pictures along the way, there are plenty of great photo ops! Renting a car is the easiest way to deal with local transportation needs for sure. Know you and Craig will enjoy watching the parade, and hope the Ducks don't stomp those Badgers too badly!

  12. Sounds like a really fun time is not far away. Plans should be made in jello so you don't miss out on a chance to do something fun.

  13. That sounds like a perfect plan! Like Russ said, take photos from the road, it will be easy for the passenger, and they can also be a good navigator along the way.

    I like the idea of renting a car for the few days you'll need one. Lots easier, and actually probably lots cheaper, too, considering the gas you'd use in your car.

    Exciting! Looking forward to hearing all about it!


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