
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One more Christmas Order

This has been a pretty busy month for me.  I've had several animal head orders to work on.  I shipped the mandrill this morning and a large cow this afternoon.  I thought I was done for Christmas, but when the email was checked one more time I discovered an order for a large buffalo.  It will be going to Halifax, Nova Scotia.

If I get any more Christmas orders I will let the customer know I can't deliver by Christmas and give them the option of canceling.   But, It seems that every year I  get one or two orders from people who find my web site while browsing for Christmas gifts, and then end up ordering an animal head for themselves.  They usually don't mind waiting until January. 

This year has been very slow, so maybe I won't get any more work.  Since we will be RVing most of January, that's OK by me! I'm not ready to try to take work along with me yet.

I've been doing all of my own Christmas shopping online.  It is so much easier that facing the mall.

Since we won't be here, I'm not putting up any decorations.  I haven't for several years.  I like to see the lights on other people's houses and on the town trees however.


  1. Well, you certainly can't find too much time to be bored with all the work you've been doing.

  2. Bet you can't wait until the end of the month!

  3. Last year at this time, I'll bet you would never have thought you'd be spending this January in your own motor home!


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