
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Caravan to FMCA Rally

We were up "bright eyed and bushy tailed" Tuesday morning so that we could be part of an Alfa caravan to the FMCA Rally in Indio.

26 Alfas all in a row were a neat sight! We managed to stay somewhat together on the drive to Indio, but a few stop lights and other vehicles did disrupt the line.

When we arrived we all parked together.

The Alfa owners are a friendly group. We've had a happy hour and camp fire every evening.

We went to several seminars today, and will attend more in the next two days.  Some of the information is new to us, but much seems to be much like live infomercials.  It is really amazing how many products there are for RVs.  

We did like "Mac the fire guy", and bought several small fire extinguishers.  We also took a look at our escape window when we got back to the coach this afternoon.  It's not much larger than the regular window right next to it.

I'm glad we came at this phase of our RV adventure, but I don't think we will be returning on a yearly basis.

I'm really not sure why 1500 motor homes have gathered here on this dirt lot.  

All of the people we have met have been very nice.  I feel we have learned much from the other Alfa owners, and hope that we can pass the spirit of helpfulness along as we travel on our own.

We went to a large gathering tonight, and heard that several of the officers are quite sick.  We wonder if it was something they all ate, and are glad that except for some snacks with the Alfa owners, and a breakfast burrito this morning from one of the vendors, we have been eating our own food.

Hope it isn't a flu outbreak.  There are so many really old looking people here.  

I must remember to wash my hands frequently, and not drink the water!


  1. I'm not into big groups, either. But, as you said, for now its a good idea to hear all about this RV lifestyle. Enjoy the rest of your trip and stay healthy.

  2. Our first year as fulltimers, we went to our first rally. We had a good time but do not plan to go every year. Be safe as you travel!

  3. great shot of all the Alfa's all lined up!!!

  4. I liked your line, "There are so many old looking people here." I am reminded of that every morning when I look in the mirror. I think the learning and sharing of knowledge will stand you in good steed down the road. I wouldn't mind the educational seminars but being loners we wouldn't be hanging out with a group of people or traveling in a caravan. We did go to one small RV Club rally about 10 years ago and left early deciding that just wasn't for us. Different strokes for different folks is what makes it all work and keeps things interesting for all of us.....

  5. Sounds like you are really enjoying this time. Great that you can learn from other Alfa owners too.

  6. It's a great place to ask any questions you might have about your coach though. We've never been to a rally even though they have several nearby.

  7. Sure is cool seeing all the Alpha's together. Would like to hear one of Mac the Fire Guys seminars on Rv fire safety someday. Glad your trip is going well.

  8. Mac really does put on a good seminar. I've been a couple of times for a refresher. We don't attend rally's every year either. And we do try to mix it up a little bit. Last year was Escapees and this year is the Good Sam. We decided since the Good Sam was here in Phoenix it would be a good one to go to. I go for the camaraderie more than anything else. I love the pic of the Alfa's all lined up.

  9. LOL ~ really old people!!! I often think that many of the people we encounter along the way are older than us! And many times they are, but once in awhile there comes along someone more well preserved!

    Cute photo's of all the BWT's!!!

    Stay well!

  10. I have found that I don't care much for rallies either. Must be all those 'old' couples. :)

  11. We are big ones for the rallies but we did go to the Escapade our first year out and did Full timers boot camp. We learned so much there. We saw Mac the fire guy too and have the right extinguishers now. The photo of all the Alphas is cool. We do find that getting together with other owners of our our brand rig is very beneficial. We have learned so much about the rig that way. Have a fun time. :)

  12. Every thing has its time and place....I thought about this the last time I went to a you really know whow is preparing the other food?? different than a restaurant..think of it as "networking" just never know who you will meet down the road ...

  13. We've been to a few rallies and have learned some important information. But, as a rule, we're not super social and don't enjoy large groups. I had to laugh at your comment about really old people. We definitely are younger than many of the people we meet at snowbird and RV parks. The nice thing is that there are many options for everyone out there. You'll find what you enjoy and where you fit in.

  14. Just now catching up on your blog - saw Alan and Irene when they were in Arizona for the holidays. They were able to stay with us for one night. Hope to see you and Craig one of these days!

  15. I'm catching up here. I had to laugh at all those rigs all lined up in a row...did anyone have any problems finding their own rig? Like in parking lots where you can't find your car because others of the same are parked around you too? Just kidding, but it amused me...
    Sounds like this was worth the trip.


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