
Monday, January 9, 2012

Emerald Desert RV Resort, Palm Desert, CA

The Alfa SeeYa's pre-rally has been held at the Emerald Desert RV Resort in Palm Desert, CA. 

My biggest complaint is the terrible WiFi connection.  I have tried several times to upload a few pictures with this post and have been frustrated! I will wait until Craig gets back and use the WiFi through his Android phone.  It seems to work very well.

Other than that, we've had a great time and have savored the luxury of the event and location, knowing it is probably a bit pricey for our on going budget.  But it sure has been a nice way to get to know some of the other Alfa owners! 

Not cooking has been a real pleasure!  The rally included a very nice catered dinner the first night, a pot luck on the third, and the resort had catered dinners on the second and forth! There was even a wine tasting before one of them.  On Saturday we had a resort sponsored poolside breakfast with Mimosas. The other three mornings the rally provided coffee and pastries.

Our spot is level and spacious compared to the KOA in Pomona. 

 I drove in on Friday, and after taking a look at it, said that if I couldn't park here, I would never be able to park anywhere!   I backed it right in easy as pie.  Several of the ladies who saw me cheered me on!

(From Craig: I'm surprised by how unequal the RV driving is in this group.  Merikay's attitude and outlook seem greatly improved when she gets to drive the rig.  I'm considering letting her do all the driving, for maximum improvement :-)

On Sunday I set up my little table on the "patio" and worked on a bear.  It was a little breezy, but with careful handling of the paper pattern pieces I was able to work without any problems.  The Alfa has electrical outlets right on her side for me to plug into.  I might consider a tent someday but this worked. I really didn't have to work, but I wanted to see if I could.

Craig went on the rally's golf event today, and I joined in a water aerobics class in the slightly heated pool.  It was about 85 degrees.  Plenty warm but not too warm to exercise. What a pleasure!

I could really get to love this kind of life!  No wonder Rick loves the Palm Springs area! Knowing we would be quite busy and wouldn't have a car, I didn't contact him.  Maybe next year Rick!  We will be back.

Tomorrow will be a very early morning.  We are lining up with 25 other Alfas to caravan over to the Indio FMCA rally together at 7:00 A.M.  Although we have been up very early every morning, I still will feel more comfortable if we set an alarm.

Good night all!


  1. Nice looking spot you're parked in. And wonderful weather to boot. It should be fun to attend the FMCA with all the Alfa's. Don't party too much.

  2. Oh yeah! You guys are getting right into it!!! And good for you girl... Even I have never been allowed to back into a space ~ but I am the most awesome of directional personnel any driver could ask for! I do get props for that from Hubs!

    Keep having fun!!!

  3. Sounds like a great time, it's great not to have to cook. Enjoy your time at the rally.

  4. Looks like all this is agreeing with you (and Craig too!). What a lovely resort.

  5. Good for you Merikay. You're getting to be quite proficient in driving and parking the Alfa!

    We got a Verizon Mifi so that we always have our own wifi. Most of the places we stay at charge you for their wifi anyway. I use my Android phone mostly, but it does shut down frequently and I have to reconnect.

  6. Enjoy the rallys. It's a great way to meet some good people. Driving these big rigs is fun!

  7. Glad you're enjoying yourselves. Your site looks fantastic!

  8. Nice to hear that the two of you are really enjoying yourselves. It's been fun following along and now seeing you both living your dream.

  9. Beautiful weather as expected in Palm Desert, and that is a seriously gorgeous resort! Glad that you are driving AND backing your rig! It's good to have everyone on board with how to do everything needed in this lifestyle. Like Karen, we got the Verizon MiFi and so far it has worked almost everywhere, especially nice in places where my iPhone says "no service" and the local internet connection is expensive, slow, or non existent.

  10. What fun! Sure hope the bear doesn't bite you. The park looks nice.

  11. What a great spot but i just checked their rates and wow that is way out of our price range. I like all the amenities and your site is beautiful, enjoy the rally!

  12. Sounds like you are having a great time. Hold Craig to that driving part. No reason why you shouldn't drive as much as you want to. I don't understand women who don't even want to try. The time to do it is not when you have no other choice because your husband can't do it!

  13. What a great site and it's nice that you can work on you animal projects while there.

  14. That looks like a great spot. Nice to hear you're an "expert" at backing the rig into a spot. Guess that driving school really paid off. Good for you!

    I think the weather around Palm Springs is so nice this time of year. Hope you enjoy it to the fullest.


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