
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bad Words

Blah Blah Blah Fat

Blah Blah Blah, Calories,

Blah Blah Diet, 

Blah Blah Blah Exercise!

When I was 16 my weight and my IQ were about the same.  I was skinny, and smart.

I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience over the years. 

 Do you think that is why I weigh so much more?  I have a fat brain.

I have dusted off the treadmill and dug out the lower calorie cookbooks. 

The only other option I have is to just shoot myself, and hope for reincarnation!

 But with my luck I would come back as a whale 

                                                          or an elephant.  

Best to just work with what I've got this go round.

Life is so hard.


  1. This post is GREAT -- made me laugh out loud! The sad thing -- I know exactly how you feel:)

  2. I hear you! I've been doing the diet thing for ages... did you see Dr. Oz last night - he had ladies on that were 300/400+ pounds and trying to GAIN weight! OMG.

  3. I love your sense of humor and feel your pain. It's a constant battle!

  4. Funny but true for me.

    I read this while waiting for my lunch to heat through. I have lost some weight by going wheat free and that means all the butter, jam etc that goes with bread.

    Today's lunch was leftovers so we can clear the fridge since we will be away for 15 days.

    Sautéed onion in a knob of butter, toss in left over potato, carrot and cabbage, add in salami and the end of a camembert cheese..... Glad I'm not counting calories or fat ... it was wheat free and that's all that matters today. - But it's no surprise my weight loss has stalled.*smile*


  5. Merikay, that is funny.

  6. Made me chuckle, I think there are many of us who feel the same. I vote for a fat brain! :)

  7. Many of us seem to have the same problem with weight and activity. I hope you have some luck working through this. I'm trying, too.....

  8. With ya sister. I've gained and lost so much weight through the years, there's probably a whole other person worth of it. Can you say 'career dieter'? Oh well, at least we can try :)

  9. I think it would be great to be a whale or an elephant. But I guess that won't happen in this life.

    Most of us are fighting it all the time, sometimes we're winning, sometimes not. But at least we're trying, right? :)

  10. Ha Ha! I'm for the fat brain reasoning! If weight is your IQ, I'm a genius!

  11. What a great post. I to can relate. I like the fact that maybe its the bigger brain. LOL

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. and hear I thought you were going to talk about 'really bad words'...hang in there!

  14. Boy, don't a lot of us relate to that!!! Please do not shoot yourself. There are other options, but none of them are actually a lot of fun! Suzy is rapidly losing weight after her surgery, and is so happy about that. Our younger daughter is doing VERY well on Jenny Craig, but she is an intensely disciplined and determined gal. You will find your path, but it will probably be a straight and narrow one!

  15. Good luck Merikay. It is very hard. I have gained 40 pounds in 15 years. It is easy when so many fats and sugars are hidden in our foods. I highly recommend watching "Forks Over Knives". It was life-changing for us. I have decided that I like our new life so much that I want to make it last as long as we have a new diet that has been very successful and not as hard as you might think.

  16. Sooooo funny! Sooooo true!

    So now I wonder, if I have a fat brain, why has it moved to the middle of my body. Aaahhh ... gravity strikes again.

  17. Sooooo funny! Sooooo true!

    So now I wonder, if I have a fat brain, why has it moved to the middle of my body. Aaahhh ... gravity strikes again.

  18. Sooooo funny! Sooooo true!

    So now I wonder, if I have a fat brain, why has it moved to the middle of my body. Aaahhh ... gravity strikes again.

  19. Manual labor turns fat into muscle you know! At least that's what I've been telling myself as I sweat through my jobs at the park. Happy Anniversary to you and Craig by the way and to congrats on getting more work done on the house. You're right at house being a drain on one's time and money. I'm feeling good about spending another year in the RV and socking away the money. Who knows what the coming months and years might present to us? A get together sounds good. I'm off to Sebastopol next week for my first "paying" personal history job. Wooohoooo! But after I get back from that, I'd like to plan for lunch and walk up there in the Santa Cruz area. Will that work for you? The week of the 27th? Take care Merikay and hi to Craig!

  20. I can relate. I've never weighed more in my life.


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