
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Little Getaway Next weekend

Trying to schedule a short Alfa getaway has been a challenge.  Between each of us having a colonoscopy, my getting dental bridge work, various other routine medical appointments, and a few days (not consecutive) of having hired workmen in the house, a getaway keeps getting put off.

The weather has also been a consideration.  It s February after all!

But today I booked a spot at  the Pinnacles National Monument for next weekend.  When we were there in October we learned that in spring there are plentiful wildflowers at the park.   We said we would have to come back in spring.  And we are.  

At this time of the year there  are shuttle buses from the RV campground to the upper trailheads. This works for us because we don't have a tow car.  In fall we hiked to one of the upper trailheads, but were  wore out by the time we got there and so didn't go very far up the high trail before turning back.

This will also give us a chance to use our Senior Pass for the first time.  With 50% off, the RV spot is only $18 per night.  

So the Alfa will finally get a little exercise., and so will we! This is good.

I'm also making progress on planning a longer trip in June and July!


  1. Sounds like fun, have a great time.
    Make sure you take time to stop and smell the flowers. :c)

  2. Any trip out in the Alfa is a joyous occasion. And the park sounds like a perfect place to go for "spring"?? flowers in March.

  3. Good to hear you're getting to take a short trip. Anxious to see some pictures!

  4. Boy, those senior passes are the best deal of all! We've used ours many many times....Great to hear you are going to be heading out for a trip!

  5. Nice to hear you are getting away for at least a weekend. Passes that give discount are a very good thing.

  6. Sometimes it really pays to be an old fart. :)

  7. How wonderful, can't wait to hear all about it!

  8. You two sure deserve a break! I hope you will have plenty of photos to share... some of us are in the depths of winter and can only imagine seeing flowers!

  9. Good for you both deciding to take that getaway. Enjoy!

  10. Sounds like a great outing... and a great bargain. Have fun.

  11. Can't wait to see pics and hear about your trip next weekend. Be safe as you travel!

  12. Have a great trip....can't wait to see pics!

  13. I think any kind of a break from everyday routine is a good thing. Always great to get a new perspective on things & what better way than to slip away in a nice comfy Motor Home.

  14. We still have a couple years till John can get us an old fart pass, that makes the price even better.Glad you are going to get out for a short trip.

  15. Have a nice trip and keep using that discount!


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