
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

RV, House, Pizza

On the subject of the RV: I have started to make some boards on Pinterest  to use in planning future trips.  I haven't done much, but it seems like an interesting way to organize things.  Much like visual bookmark folders.
I have been pinning possible RV parks, and ones where I have made reservations for our June-July trip.

On the subject of the House: it seems we continue to take one step backward for every two steps forward.  The refurbishing of the first of three bathrooms is coming along nicely, but now the on-demand, propane hot water heater that will provide hot water for the shower is being temperamental. (The main hot water heater for the rest of the house is a large electric one.)  I sure hope we don't have to replace the tankless one, it was quite expensive. But there is no value to having a pretty new cultured marble shower enclosure with no hot water! Fortunately we have had an excellent response from a telephone service tech from the manufacturer, but he keeps referring to it as an "old" model.  

On the subject of Food: I made a whole wheat pizza crust in the bread machine yesterday and it worked very well! 
I used the same basic recipe as I have for regular white flour pizza crusts, but I substituted whole wheat flour, used Agave Nectar instead of sugar, and added a heaping table spoon of the dough enhancer (you could also  use gluten) to help the whole wheat be stretchy.

The topping is one we have enjoyed many times in the past.  Caramelized onions with Balsamic vinegar, three ounces of crumbled Gorgonzola cheese, and a scant quarter cup of finely chopped walnuts.  

Although I'm avoiding dairy, this is one exception. 

 Our more traditional, cheese, sausage, mushroom pizzas would have had at least eight to twelve ounces of full fat Italian cheese.  It's so easy to dump on with those nice pre-shredded cheese!

With the Gorgonzola we each ate about one and a half ounces of a full flavor cheese.  I would rather do without than eat the "vegan" cheese substitutes.

The whole wheat crust was different, but good.  We like thin crust pizza, and although not as thin as some I've made, it did roll out easily.  The trick for any pizza dough is to mix it in the morning and put it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator to proof for several hours. 

I have also changed my mind about Agave.  My impression that it was chemically treated seems to apply to the cheaper brands.  The "Raw" Agave Nectar from  Madhava, is pressed, filtered, and concentrated by heating it to no more than 180*.  It is no more "processed" than cane sugar or maple syrup. The chemical that was referred to in an article I read was Chlorine, use to clean the filters.  Hey, isn't that what is in our drinking water to kill the bugs?

And, we both like the taste!  That is a critical point.


  1. We also use agave, and I was alarmed when you said it was highly-processed, but it said "organic" so I hoped that was okay.

    I'm lobbying for whole-wheat pizza crust! Annie makes a great vegan pizza, so if the crust were whole-wheat that would make it saintly, right?

    We never did get into vegan cheese last time around. I've heard that if you go without cheese long enough, the vegan kind tastes "real," but a year must not have been long enough.

  2. Thats a nice looking pie. We have just started using coconut oil to cook with and I take coconut oil pills in the am. Its suppost to help your memerory

  3. Does coconut oil do anything for spelling?

  4. Oh I want a piece!! Please?!! I'm so hungry for pizza - I like thin crust too. Everyone here likes the heavy fatty fat crust ones. It's a bummer. I hope the water heater is just being naughty & is easily fixable.

  5. Bob's comments really made me laugh. I know, I'm just sick. :)

  6. Your pizza looks yummy! I haven't fixed a pizza in awhile....maybe you've motivated me!!

  7. The pizza sounds delightful! Someday in the future, when Suzy can have a broader range of foods again, we'll have to get ourselves a small one and enjoy! I'm dying to do an on-the-grill pizza someday!.

  8. I'd love to have your recipe for "on the grill pizza". Ken is heating healthy and hasn't had pizza but it is our favorite food. Maybe if we tried the whole wheat and made it on the grill it would be healthy enough.

    Kenny and Angela, what is the benefit of coconut oil besides helping memory (and spelling) LOL? We are interested in good tasting healthy cooking.

  9. butterbean carpenterMarch 22, 2012 at 11:57 AM

    Howdy Merikay,
    Have you ever tried a 'french bread' for a pizza crust?? It's a 'melt-in-your-mouth' extravaganza..OH SO
    GOOD!!! Roll it out thin or thick!!

  10. Merikay...I'm not being negative but just remember whole wheat does not mean low calorie. I learned that lesson when my husband went gluten free.... Ha1 it took me a couple of trys before I got Bob's comment.

  11. I always get pizza every lunch and I'm enjoying it. Anywhere around you can search for a good food with different specialty of taste and you will get used to it. Happy eating everyone :)

    Xahnn from University Faculty Jobs

  12. I love pizza but I cannot even make one for myself :) I make that as a challenge, or a venture for myself. It's like getting to a vacation with reisen griechenland
    in hand. There are a lot of places to be discovered and food to be tasted too.


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