
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Getting up after Midnight tonight

We are setting the alarm for about 3:00 AM tonight.  


So we can go out and watch for meteors.

Tonight is the peak of the Lyrid Meteor Showers.  It should be a good night to view them because there is only a little new moon, no cloud cover, and fairly warm temperatures.

We don't have the best sky view, since we are surrounded by trees, but it is OK, and we should see a few. Craig says they should come from straight above, so the view may not be as blocked.  

I hope it will be as good as 1982 when there were up to 100 per hour.  But that was exceptional.  The article said to expect 15 to 20 meteors per hour in an average year.

So if you are still parked out in the desert somewhere, or at an RV park with a good sky.  Look up between midnight and five AM.

I will be making some wishes!


  1. We have clear skies here tonight so are going to try for a view. Don't know if we'll make it though...

  2. I wonder if we could view them here. Usually, we can't see anything. Have fun!

  3. Haha - I am reading this on the east coast at 6 am, so if you are up at 3, right now you are outside looking at the meteor shower. :) The sun is up here.

  4. We had clouds and lots of rain last night, so no Lyrid for us :( I am a big fan of all of the meteor showers during the year. Usually we are not in an area of good darkness to see them. Being full-time on the road will remedy that I think!

  5. Love to see the meteor showers, hope you got to see a BUNCH!

  6. That sounds like fun -- hope you got to see a bunch!! Cloudy and rain where we are:o( Enjoy!

  7. That sounds like fun -- hope you got to see a bunch!! Cloudy and rain where we are:o( Enjoy!

  8. I'll just have to hear about it from you. ZZZZZZZZ

  9. How was it? I was looking at something behind my eyelids while it was going on.


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