
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Answers in the night ...

Sometimes I get the best ideas when I am at the edge of sleep, either just as I'm falling asleep or just waking up.  I once read that you should have a pad of paper on the nightstand and jot things down so you don't lose them. I don't do that, but it wouldn't hurt.  One thing I have noticed about "middle of the night ideas" is that they are often not as good as they seemed when reexamined the next day.

One problem that I often mull over is what to do about  when we go full time.  What to take, where to store it all, where to work, etc., etc.  Sales have been so up and down this last two years I often think it would be best to just close it down.  Then I get a couple of orders, and I see that a few sales each month would make a nice dent in our campground fees. 

My mind was very productive last night.  The following ideas may fail in the light of day, but I think I came up with a couple of solutions for problems that have been nagging me.  

First, there are times when I need to hang a sculpture on a "wall" while working on it.  Such as when I'm shaping the antlers or checking the overall piece from a little distance.  
 Last night I came up with the idea that I could attach a piece of peg board to the back ladder, and hang work there.  With a few cable ties, it could go up and down quickly.  A small piece of peg board would not take up much room and be easy to store when not in use. 

Another problem is storage of "in process" paper mache sculptures.  They sometimes need to dry for 24-48 hours.  I can leave them outside on my work table next to the rig during the day, but need to protect them from wind, dew, or rain overnight. 

   We will be living inside the Alfa and there just is no place to put them.  

When I did art and craft fairs  I had a custom fitted table cloth that that covered my table to the ground. I used the space under it to keep bags and boxes. 

I am going to make a fitted, water proof cover for my folding table.  With a plastic sheet on the ground under it, it should be OK as an overnight storage place. 

It might not be great in a downpour, and I would have to keep track of weather forecasts! I can use water bottles for weights so it doesn't blow over in the wind.

I know it can be very important to keep you space neat and clean out of consideration for other campers.  What is OK to one person, can be an eyesore to someone else!

Things would be so much simpler if I made miniatures!

When do you do your best thinking? 

We looked at a Toyota Yaris  and at a Scion yesterday, and are probably going to see a Hyundai Accent today.... 


  1. Do you have any smaller items you can make on the road? They would take less space and less materials. Probably not as striking, though.

    I think your idea of putting a table outside with a long table cloth would definitely work. Lots of people have picnic tables out with cloths on them. Who cares what's under the cloth?

    I've only been in a few RV parks, but it would probably be frowned on to hang the head on your ladder to work on it. Is this a step that could be done inside?

    There was a Roadtrek here last week that had a kind of "room" attached to the back of their rig. It was made out of some kind of light canvas and attached all around the rig, top and both sides. You couldn't see inside the space. I was very curious about what was in there. It looked nice and neat and I'm sure was acceptable to the park, because it was up the whole time they were here.

    I wonder if you could fabricate something like that with Velcro or snaps that would come up and down easily. And a little frame to hold it up and out from the rig.

    It will be interesting to see how you decide to continue with your business on the road. I hope you don't close it down.

  2. I truly don't think you'd have any problems in campgrounds with working on the mounts on the ladder. Unless you're going to stay in really fancy resorts. Then you can't do anything. And the cloth covering the table would definitely work. I've given up thinking even during the day so I know it doesn't happen at night.

  3. Your ideas are really doable! Go for it!

  4. I agree with Sandie, I don't think you'd have any problems in campgrounds putting the heads on the ladder.

    My evening thoughts are generally better to mull over in the light of day. :)

  5. Don't forget your towed! Get a hatchback and you have that big space in the back to dry your heads.

    The back ladder sounds good. I don't know enough about campgrounds in the US, but the provincial parks here in Canada would be fine with that.

    We use this plastic corrigated "cardboard" for along the rig for our dog pen. They could easily be made into "boxes" that would fold flat, and be water proof. But I think your table with skirt would probably work better. Oh - what if it's pouring and windy?

    What about a small tent? Or maybe they are not allowed at campgrounds there?

    Ahhhh - I'm babbling! I'm sure you are going to come up with an amazing solution :-)

  6. Don't forget your towed! Get a hatchback and you have that big space in the back to dry your heads.

    The back ladder sounds good. I don't know enough about campgrounds in the US, but the provincial parks here in Canada would be fine with that.

    We use this plastic corrigated "cardboard" for along the rig for our dog pen. They could easily be made into "boxes" that would fold flat, and be water proof. But I think your table with skirt would probably work better. Oh - what if it's pouring and windy?

    What about a small tent? Or maybe they are not allowed at campgrounds there?

    Ahhhh - I'm babbling! I'm sure you are going to come up with an amazing solution :-)

  7. I would hate to see you give up something that gives you satisfaction, and extra $$ for the road. I'm sure something will come to you that will work.

  8. for me it is better not to think too much..hurts my brain :)

  9. Those seem like workable ideas. Yes, do remember you have a mini-garage when you have a toad. When rain threatens our outside chairs and anything else laying around, goes into the back of the car.

    I always get wonderful, marvelous ideas after I am in bed at night...I just can't remember them in the morning!

  10. Both sound like great ideas.

    What about getting a van for a toad? You can tow anything, if you have one of those Remco lube pumps or driveshaft disconnection things.

    A van would give you lots of storage room and maybe even a place to work if you got a full size van.

  11. Merikay, you'll find just the right solution. Your ideas sound good, but the best solution will pop up when you aren't expecting it.

    Thinking? What's that?

  12. The table thingy sounds like a good idea, but so does a decent sized tent. That would probably store well in the basement.
    I hate it when my brain comes up with ideas at night. I can't sleep then.

  13. Sounds like your table idea would work. Lately my mind and thoughts of our pending move wake me up in the night with more plans and ideas to move on time.

  14. What about a screen room? A portable one of course. I had a dream last night that a friend offered to pay my gas expenses for the rest of my life. Of course, in my dream, I declined. When I woke up, I told her about the dream & that I reconsidered & yes, I'd take her up on her offer. She only laughed at me! Humpf!

  15. I think the pegboard is a good idea, but the outdoor table may still collect dew. Maybe the best idea in all of this is "miniatures".


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