
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

hands up

first, my post and my comments on other blogs will be without caps because i've been typing with only my right hand.  caps take two hands.

the surgery went well.  it was more like a minor procedure, but it was on my hand so i was a bit uneasy.

i had a little discomfort last night, but am quite ok today.  a major inconvenience is that i was told to keep it elevated above the level of my heart for 48 hours.  a bother, but not hard.

craig continues to work on his latest project. replacing the wood around some of the large windows.  he decided they were too deteriorated to just patch and paint.  progress is slow.  what looks like it should take a few days, takes a few weeks. 

 when craig does something he is a perfectionist.  it is usually far better than a professional builder would do, but also takes much longer to finish.

he is also replacing some interior doors and many of the baseboards inside.  he bought all of the wood, (for several thousand dollars) but staining and installation will probably not be done soon because he has outside work to do.  

we do not always agree on what really needs to be done. 


  1. Don't blame you for being nervous. Glad it's behind you and I know you are relieved. Love the photo!

  2. What a way to get out of work!!!

    Just kidding, and you know it! Girl, you are looking great! So proud of you! And Craig too for the motivation he has found to get the house done. However he gets it done!

    Take care of yourself and don't forget to do your therapy when you get to that point!! (hugs)

  3. You'll be handy again in no time!
    I hear you on differing priorities. It can be totally frustrating... but I don't know what to do other than accept and help out to speed the process... been there - done that.

  4. I look great! Your hand will be back to normal in no time...and so will the house.

  5. It's gotta be hard typing with one hand! I'm glad the surgery is done and you're okay.

    At least the house is getting better and better, if not fast, at least it's continuing. I'd rather have a husband that was slow and perfect than fast and sloppy. I see how that could be frustrating, though. :)

  6. Happy to hear things are going well with the hand. I too am married to a perfectionist -- which sometimes DRIVES ME NUTS! That's one reason we sold our house "as-is" -- we did the big things, like new roof, new fencing, new siding -- the cosmetics on the inside we left for the new owners to do!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. glad to hear that the surgery went take care of yourself!..don't do too much!

  9. I don't know much about this blogger environment, but I read a harmless and friendly comment by Al of the Bayfield Bunch and it seems this is the subject of the above "this comment has been removed by a blog administrator". What's this all about? I don't like it.

    Craig MacKenna

  10. There's something here I don't know about blogger. Who is the "blog administrator" of Merikay's blog? How does one send him/her a message? Who is the "blog administrator" of your blog?

    Craig MacKenna

  11. Hi Merikay....No, I did not remove my comment & have no idea who did or how & why it was done. Been sitting here trying to remember what my comment was & did remember the first line went something like, 'both Kelly & I are married to non perfectionists. (meaning each other) As far as I know, each Blogger is their own administrator. I know I can delete or reject incoming comments to my Blog but don't think I can remove a comment once I have left it on someone's post. Could be wrong about that because I don't think I've ever tried it.....

  12. Glad the surgery went well. You're looking good...nice and thin :)

  13. Glad the surgery went well and you are recovering nicely. Your weight loss is very apparent in the picture. Looking good! Take care and don't overdo.

  14. Lookin' GOOD, Merikay! Keep up the great work of keeping Craig focused on his to do list! :-)

  15. Looks like you're giving everyone a friendly wave with you hand in the air like that! :)

  16. Glad the surgery is over and you are now on the path to healing. It must have been scary since you are left-handed. That pizza looked pretty good!

  17. Why is it always our dominant hand?? I hope you have a full recovery & no more problems with your hand!


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