
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Book Review and Alfa is home

If you enjoy a nice story written from the perspective of a dog, you will enjoy A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron. We all know dogs don't write books, but this one tempts you to suspend rationality and enjoy reading the thoughts and experiences of a Good Dog.

I got it from our local library, but It is also available from Amazon. 

 In some ways it reminded me of The Art of Racing in The Rain, by Garth Stein.  I know several of you have enjoyed that one.  

Funny, how similar the cover art is!  Anyway, it's a good, non-stressful read. I finished it in two evenings.

The Alfa is finally home!

 After our little mishap last month, we drove it over to a repair place in San Jose called Leale's. They did the fiberglass repair and painting during the first week or so, but  have been waiting for  the replacement back decal to come in. 

 During that time we have picked it up and took it to get Blue Ox installed, and also took it off to Dublin (30 miles away) to have the windshield reset. Given that we weren't going anywhere, it was easiest to leave it in their storage yard.

Friday morning  we were told it would be at least another week until they got the decal. Since we are planning on leaving for our trip before that, we decided to pick her up and drive her home so we can do a bit of cleaning and loading. 

As you may recall, driving down our road and parking on our land is a challenge. But we are happy to report the task went very smoothly.  Craig drove it to our driveway and then we switched places and I drove while he gave directions. We have learned how to work together quite well on this.

It really is nice to see the Alfa on her parking pad again.  It will be fun packing and arranging our things for the trip. 

I have decided that having the Alfa is somewhat like having a very expensive play house, or perhaps a cottage.  

It will only be our real home when we actually go full time. 


  1. My vote is for playhouse :-) Glad to hear it is safe and sound at home - I always miss mine when it's gone. And you have the excitement of getting ready for a trip :-)

    Is that you in the fancy rv?

  2. glad to hear that Alfa is back home again!..will have to look for that book!!

  3. Glad Alpha is home. Learning how to communicate when backing up is the hardest thing we have had to learn. After 2 years I think we have a system but even now it breaks down once in awhile.

  4. Harry and I are still working on the "communicating effectively while backing up" thing....we are heading home this morning so we will get a chance to try it out again very soon.

  5. Glad that both of you are learning to back Alfa up. We will learn the communication thing soon enough :)

  6. Communication, communication, then understanding the communication! Glad Alfa is home safe and sound.

  7. It's wonderful that you guys are working out all the kinks of communicating NOW and not while you are trying to get into a tight space!

  8. We got walkie talkies on our trip north to Canada and I must say that I really like them for communicating, especially about the parking. It so beats the hand signs! Take care you two!


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