
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Burney Falls

So far so good!

I hope I am not tempting the fates by saying that so far everything is going smoothly.

I really like having my own bed and cooking my own food in my own kitchen! 

I think the dishes are so much cleaner hand washed than in the dishwasher at home!

So far every meal has worked well.  I brought all of the right cooking equipment.  I've used the slow cooker and  baked bread in the bread machine.  

We continue to "eat healthy!"

The choice to move the Alfa from the Lassen area to Burney Falls instead of driving up as a day trip was the right one.

The move went smoothly and we stayed in a small RV Park, with almost all "full time residents" around us. Driving north the 60 miles to Burney, puts us about 90 miles from our next stop at the Lava Beds National Monument.

I did the wash in the late afternoon because the clean laundry was just steps away and the cost of $1.00 per wash and $1.00 per dry was too good to pass up. 

We easily saw and relished Burney Falls in one afternoon.

Although the afternoon temperatures got into the 80s, the falls created a refreshing cool atmosphere.  

The day's walk was thru a shaded canyon along a rushing stream. 

Everyone seems so friendly!  On our walk we met a couple that were just a little younger than we are, and exchanged hellos.  They noticed our Wisconsin Packer shirts and struck up a conversation.  

They asked us if we had heard the good news about the Supreme Court decision.  We had, and we were happy and excited about it.  

Everyone we met seemed a bit relieved. 

A good day for the country.  And another good day for us!


  1. Beautiful waterfall. It is indeed a good day for the country. Now if all the bickering would stop, some real work might get done.

  2. That is one place that I have always wanted to go visit. Maybe when I get back to CA.
    Glad that everything is going well, enjoy!

  3. Your rig and toad look sparklingly (Google doesn't think that's a word, but I do. :))clean and bright! Could you walk under those beautiful falls?

  4. Sounds lovely! Sunshine. I can smell the leaves! Yummmmm!

  5. What a beautiful setting! Good practice to go to another campground too.

  6. We love Burney Falls and always try to stop there when we are traveling that way. Beautiful place.


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