
Monday, June 4, 2012

Craig is getting skinny

Craig has been very supportive of my "healthy" food choices this Spring, and has been eating all of the same dinners as I have, with the addition of extra bread.  I may have one thin slice, he usually has several. The rest of the day he is on his own and has not really cut back on higher calorie foods.  

We each get our own breakfasts, I eat a high fiber cereal, and he usually has ham and rolls, or some  frozen packaged dish.  He likes Chile Rellenos from Trader Joe's. 

He usually snacks at night, but isn't buying things that would  tempt me.  We used to share ice cream and/or English Toffee on a regular basis, but not any more. 

As I look over at him right now, he is eating a bowl of one of his favorite sweets. Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk. It's almost like liquid white chocolate!  I never could just eat it like he does, straight from the can. 

On a recent shopping trip he bought chocolates and cookies.

He also continues to drink a couple of glasses of wine almost every evening.  That IS a temptation for me, but it is my choice to not indulge.  (In the last couple of weeks I have slipped a few times.)   And just because I shouldn't have any doesn't mean he can't.

BUT, what urks me is he has lost weight!   He is getting skinny!  

It seems that if I lose one pound, he loses two. 

His doctor did tell him he should lose ten or so pounds, but he has dropped more than that. I think he is close to his weight when he was in his 20's!

 Why is it so easy for him and so hard for me?

He doesn't even exercise and I walk on the treadmill every day!

Not fair!    His hair isn't turning gray either!

I AM happy with my own progress.  I'm down 29 pounds, with a long term goal of losing 15 more to get to where the charts say is best for my height and age. If I don't, I'm OK. I feel very good right now.


  1. Haha! That sounds so like John and I. I can't weight to weigh less than him but since he also is losing weight without trying it's taking twice as long as it should. Sigh!

    I'm looking forward to your next adventure on six wheels.


  2. Hormones, its always like that. But like you said - you are happy with your progress. Good Job!

  3. Always - the guy loses the weight like there's nothing to it and we struggle for every pound. But that means that we appreciate ourselves more than we do because we know how hard we worked to get where we are. Keep it up, you're doing great.

  4. Always - the guy loses the weight like there's nothing to it and we struggle for every pound. But that means that we appreciate ourselves more than we do because we know how hard we worked to get where we are. Keep it up, you're doing great.

  5. Isn't that just like a man? I always say they just give up beer and lose like crazy. Makes you want to punch them.


    Laurie & George's Mom

  6. Your doing great and I am glad that you are pleased with your progress. Maybe its all that work Craig is doing on the house and climbing up and down.

  7. Same thing here! We have made some changes, like eating very little bread and almost no processed sandwich meat. I think we've been more active too. I've lost a few pounds, so I'm happy about that. But Harry's pants are almost falling off him!! Ugh.

  8. Oh yeah...not fair!! Although..this time I'm the one dropping pounds, and George is stuck. He's eating same dinners, but did not give up his sandwiches for lunch. He still looks good :)

  9. I hear you. It's the same with us. Kevin can lose weight so much easier than I can. It's just not fair :)
    Glad you're doing well and making great progress on your goal!

  10. Nice progress and good will power you have.

  11. Don't you just hate that about men!!! But like you I am keeping myself focused on my own goal. But, oh, don't you miss that glass of wine?

  12. Well that is NOT fair....but unfortunately normal for men, I guess.

  13. Strange fact that men lose weight faster than women. Not fair or fun for a woman. Keep up your pace Merikay and don't get discouraged.

  14. Congrats Merikay!! Good for you! One of these days I'll really try too, LOL! Cheers! ~M

  15. That is so unfair! But my guess is that hanging off the side of the house about to break his neck burns tons of calories.

    Good for you on your losses - you must be feeling great. I have 20 more to go as well. I'm looking forward to the shopping trip :-)

  16. I keep hearing that men lose weight easier, not me, can't seem to shed pounds now no matter what I do. It's taken me almost 4 years to drop 35lbs and since Jan of this year no matter what they refuse to come off.

    AH well, congrats to you Merikay for sticking with it!


  17. Congrats to you Merikay - 29 pounds is a significant loss. I have never heard of anyone eating (drinking?) Eagle sweetened condensed milk right out of the can. Ewww - that must be so sweet and syrupy.


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