
Monday, June 11, 2012

Thoughts about Blogging

This Jump Start Comic caught my eye this morning.

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I don't participate in Facebook, but the same could easily be said about Blogger.  


  1. How true! Actually, I hear from my blogging friends a lot more often than I do my family ;-)

  2. I'm with the Odd Essay - definitely hear more from bloggers than family. It's been a wonderful way to meet such beautiful people and make some of the best friends ever.

  3. I wonder what Freud would say about blogging. :)

  4. In our case, Blogging has become a look back -- we are looking back at the ten years of blogging (or MyTripJournal or just travel emails) since we started this life. Most of it has been printed out, and we're working on the rest. So it's become a retrospective (but, thank heavens, not an introspective!) view of who we were when we started, what's happened along the way. It's also a chance to plan ahead for more!

  5. I don't use Facebook, my wife is addicted to it. I started using blogger as an outlet, I kept it private (from search engines and such) so you had to run into it by mistake to find it. Now it's public but still feels mostly private (except when OWS chimes in).

    Now it's an outlet for ranting about our RV or other things affecting our lives.

    On Facebook you get reactions from family, something easy to get without Facebook. On Blogger you get feedback from others first most of the time and since I know what family will say, I don't know what you folks will say and sometimes that helps us more if that makes sense.



  6. I also agree with Jerry and Suzy, the blog has become a way for me to look back. I know Facebook has timeline and all but there is something about that site that just makes me want to stay away from it.


  7. Ain't that the truth...I joined FB for two days..I thought what a bunch of bull...everything was so phony. And I agree about blogging friends..we do care.

  8. We only use FB to let folks know we have put out a new blog post.

  9. I agree with people's thoughts on Facebook & only use it to drop my daily blog post into. Just have no interest in any of those social networks anymore. Google+, Twitter, etc. And yes, I do sometimes question the self image some folks try to portray with their blogs....

  10. Cute comic. I blog and use FB, I find it a good way to stay in touch with family and friends. Seems friends read the blog and family are on FB. Both are whatever you make of them, either tools or an addiction. I look at it like other things in my life - all is good in moderation. Trying to keep a balance is always a challenge. Lately I have spent less time on the computer and more outside, trying to regain that balance. :)

  11. That's so funny! I'm sure we'd all like to be a great as other people think we are!

    I don't use Facebook - just haven't ever been interested.

  12. I just never want to be as stupid as my cats think I am.


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