
Sunday, June 24, 2012

We made it!

What a long, long day!
Hard work, 
Some stress, 
No mishaps,  
Nice lunch,
Long drive,
Safe arrival,
We're here.

We got up about an hour early this morning and had fresh baked croissants (frozen from Trader Joe's) for breakfast.  This was a real treat, and we only had them because they were still in the freezer from "before healthy eating."

While they baked, I made some deviled eggs and chicken wraps to take along for our "rest stop lunch."

Our target departure time was 11 AM, but it took until noon to get everything stowed and all of the mechanicals checked. We didn't rush, but we both worked hard to get everything done right.

Craig got the Alfa out of her parking place quite smoothly and after filling the water tanks backed out of the lower drive and drove up our road without mishap. I followed him down to our agreed-upon hook up spot in the Accent.  Getting the vehicles connected went smoothly.

Traffic was light and the miles flew by.  We pulled into a rest stop for lunch and took this picture of the Alfa and her toad! 

It was a little hard to keep our speed down to just over 55 MPH, but we both did.  The Alfa really feels like she wants to go faster, but the California speed limit for towing is 55.  Since we've had a few minor mishaps we really don't need a speeding ticket too!    

We arrived at the Shingletown KOA about 7 PM.  The driving distance was 286 miles. In a car it would have been about a five hour drive.  For us it was seven.

We had a simple dinner, a couple of glasses of wine, took a short walk and are now having a cup of tea before bed.

As Kate would say

"Life is Good!"


  1. Your rig looks happy to have a little friend tagging along behind. Sounds like a good start to your trip. Enjoy every minute.

  2. That big white thing looks real nice with that little white thing all snuggled in behind there. You and Craig enjoy your time together on the road and have a fun trip. Stay safe.

  3. White on white looks good.
    Have a grand time.

  4. Glad everything went smoothly. The Alfa looks good with her little follower!

  5. I'm so glad you got to get away from the house and go camping! You certainly have been working hard and deserve a break. Glad the trip was uneventful.

    The BWT and the LWT look so nice together. Al doesn't understand when I say the toad has to match the motorhome.

    Have fun.

  6. glad you arrived safe and sound! you can sit back and enjoy!!

  7. Very cool! Have a great time! :)~


  8. Glad you are out on the road again and things went well.

  9. Yeah!!! And aren't you just the cutest little white rigs headin' on down the road!!!

    I'm so glad you two have finally gotten to get somewhere and prove that you can get it done without a "hitch"!


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