
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Crater Lake Area

I booked our spot at the Crater Lake Resort for a week. I wanted to have plenty of time to savor the most beautiful lake I will ever see!

When we set up here, our small slide seemed to stick and balk when we put it out. We decided to defer looking into the problem until after the 4th. We tried it again on Thursday, and since it had not magically healed itself, a call to Coach-Net was in order.

They found a repair place for us down in Klamath Falls.  Craig wasn't sure he liked the sound of "Eddie's RVs".  Although we made an appointment there for Tuesday, we also asked a local camper if he knew of a good shop. He suggested a place called Courtesy RV.

We wanted to pick up a few fresh veggies anyway, so we drove the car down to Klamath Falls to take a look at them both.

But first I wanted to stop at the nearby Logging Museum that was listed in the "Free Local Things To Do". Free is always good! I have found small one-subject museums can often be interesting, and it was. 

It is in an Oregon State Park, and had a self-guided walk around a large collection of old machinery used in the logging industry. The informational signs and the weather were both good, and it was fun to try to figure out what some of the machines did. 

Nothing mass produced about this stuff! Each was either a limited edition or a one of a kind. 

Our first stop in Klamath Falls was at Courtesy RV.  We talked to the service writer about the problem. Unfortunately they were booked solid for the next two weeks and couldn't help us.  We asked his opinion of Eddie's.

He hemmed and hawed a bit, not wanting to give us an opinion, but eventually he suggested it might not be a good place to go.

Given that he could not fit us in, we asked for a recommendation for another place. He put us in contact with a repair shop in Medford. 

So, once we get the slide in on Sunday, it will stay in until we can have it looked at on Tuesday. I can climb in and out of bed from the end. It's much easier now that I'm not so fat. 

On Friday we explored two little park areas, and later in the afternoon we went up to Crater Lake once again. 

We wanted to see the sunset and have dinner at the Lodge. We have eaten at the Ahwahnee in Yosemite and it was wonderful.  We hoped for the same at Crater Lake Lodge and were not disappointed!

Craig has had his eye on a wonderful Indian design Pendleton blanket we saw at the gift shop. We looked at all of them several times, at both gift shops. We also went on line to the Pendleton web site and saw they were the same price there. We were looking at it for a cover for the Alfa's couch. 

I liked one, Craig liked another, but we were both OK with the other's choice! We bought Craig's choice. 

Unfortunately when we got it home, we discovered a flaw and took it back on Saturday.

As we discussed the exchange with the clerk I noticed they had hung up one we had not seen the day before. 

It was perfect! Our first real decor element for the Alfa. I did buy some cheap rugs to start with, but now can keep an eye out for better ones that will go with the blanket colors.

We hiked Annie's Creek trail on Saturday, finishing off all trails open to us at Crater Lake.  

I will enjoy making a slide DVD for us of this spectacular place when we get home.

Next up ... Kayaking with blogger friends Sue and Mo at Rocky Point.


  1. so glad that you are enjoying Crater Lake..nice new purchase!!!

  2. Nice addition to the Alf. I like all of the designs of Pendelton's blankets. I'm getting jealous of all the hiking you have done. I need to get out more.

  3. We had good luck with Jackson RV in Medford.

  4. Love the blanket. What a great memento of your first big trip!

  5. I'm thinking that I would have needed my walking stick to get across that plank safely. :)

  6. Love that Pendleton's just beautiful. We used to take our kids to that logging museum - many great memories there. So glad you are enjoying yourselves. Great picture of you walking the plank!!

  7. The new blanket is beautiful.

    You're going kayaking???? Can't wait to hear how you like it.

    Crater Lake would be a wonderful place to kayak. It's so beautiful.

    At least your slide problem is not keeping you from enjoying your trip.

  8. Look at how tiny you are in that last picture! You must be so pleased with yourself. And all that hiking - I am totally jealous. The new blanket is fab. I love putting in stuff and redecorating to make the camper "mine".

  9. An indication of Klamath Falls RV shops....we go to Central Point, north of Medford. The man to talk to is Glenn Gann at Central Point RV Center 541-664-5207. We always get excellent, knowledgeable service. Looking forward to seeing you, and hope that you get your slide in OK. whew~

  10. That blanket is beautiful - it fits perfect on your couch. It will be fun matching it with other decorator items!

    Good luck on getting the slide repaired. :)


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