
Saturday, July 21, 2012


I haven't added to my Why-Why Not page for a long time.  The following thoughts will be copied there.

One of the reasons I want us to be full-timing for a couple of years is because I want to spend longer periods of time exploring the wonderful places our country has to offer.

I spent some time looking at the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park areas on the internet.  There is so much to do and see, I would want to take at least a month or more to do it.

I also looked at how far it is from our home in California, and the many great places there would be to stop and explore on the way.

Sure we could just drive there in a couple of days, blast thru the parks and see the highlights in a week or two, and drive back.  But what a waste!  How much better it would be to take an entire summer just exploring Wyoming and Idaho.

Same with Utah, Grand Canyon, Arizona.  Far to much to see in a just a few weeks.  I'd love to be there this fall and winter, but we have a bathroom to remodel.  Spring?  The third bathroom is on the must do list!

Craig says he would like to go to the Keys  in Florida for a month or more some winter. Considering how far it is from California, we would have to be full-timing to make it worthwhile.

We were just out for three weeks.  I would have loved to have headed North to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington instead of South back to the Bay area. 

Oh well, another time.  Another trip.

For now I pondering what to add to the four nights at Yosemite in September.  I don't want to go further South, as into the Death Valley, or East to Mammoth or Mono Lake because  I'm thinking possible going to Death Valley and the Eastern side of the Sierra's in January after a visit in San Diego for Christmas.

We've been to Lake Tahoe. Perhaps a few days in "Gold Country" would be nice. 

 I'm very open to suggestions.    


  1. What about Lassen National Park? There are some geothermal features there and you can go to Burney Falls State Park. Gorgeous country. There's a pretty campground at Burney Falls, have only driven through but never camped there. Deer walked throughout the campground and there's a lake at one end of the campground.


  2. You won't be able to see the entire country adequately in two years. There is so much to see! Think about Tombstone in Arizona, Dodge City in Kansas, the Civil War battlefields across the South and East. Wild horses in Wyoming, Washington DC and the Smithsonian museums, New Orleans, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas, Mt Rushmore in South Dakota, Crater Lake in Oregon, the entire Oregon coastline is magnificent. Don't overlook Banff and Jasper in Alberta Canada and going to Alaska. That can take all of one summer. It goes on and on and on! :) We are on our 6th year of full timing and are still seeing new things. For example, we have been to Colorado before and seen Rocky Mountain National Park, Pikes Peak and Mesa Verde but we are back for the entire summer. We are spending time to thoroughly see the rest of the state. You can easily spend from 1 - 3 months in each state to see it adequately. Enjoy!!

  3. ...and New England, Amish Country in PA, fall colors everywhere...the list is endless!

  4. So much to see.....not enough time. Make the most of the trips you do now and keep dreaming and planning.

  5. Don't forget the Adirondacks in upstate NY - fall is beautiful, but anytime there is lots of scenery to enjoy.

  6. Boy do we understand your dilema!

    Before we were able to go full time, we did lots of those mad dash trips across the country and back, including one from VA to the Grand Canyon, Vegas and Carlsbad twelve days!

    No wonder all our pictures from that trip were through the windshield of our RV. :cO

    One day, when it is the right time, it'll all fall into place for you. It did for us.

    Love your header picture!

  7. I agree with the Dahl's comments. Your time will come. In the meantime, your mini trips are a great start. We enjoyed Death Valley. It was almost like another planet. Make sure to do the Scotty's Castle tours if you go.

  8. I know how you feel. Ken and I are anxious to be able to explore the country without "being on vacation" where we cram as much as possible into the time off we have. We hoping to be able to do some serious traveling in about two years when we hopefully can retire.

    Like you and Craig, we have a lot on our plate to do beforehand.

  9. Our "to do" list seems to be getting longer not shorter. Like you we want to see the country and it would take full timing to do it right.

    Hopefully you figure out a way to do it, for more than a few years! :)



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