
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Beach Walk on a hot afternoon

Today was a busy day.  Craig had a dentist appointment this morning and then came home and did some work on an outdoor project. We've been having some beautiful weather, but this afternoon the temperatures were heading toward the 90's and the project was out in the direct sun. Shortly after noon he came in and suggested a trip to the beach.

Although I had already done four miles on my treadmill in the morning, I was up for walking another couple of miles on the New Brighton-Seacliff  beach, which is about four miles south of Santa Cruz, California, and less than twenty miles from our home.

The weather at the beach was perfect.  Sunny and warm with a sweet ocean breeze. There were a lot of families enjoying the sand and surf on a Wednesday afternoon.  

We walked about a mile from where we were parked to the pier that goes out to an old cement ship which is now a bird sanctuary.  

There were several people fishing in the surf and off the side of the pier.

This boy was amazed by the size of his fish. 

Craig enjoyed a moment in the sun.

Retirement is good!

Putting my shoes back on after walking in the sand.  

Craig says he can see a lion face in this big hunk of drift wood.  

I will never tire of seeing the shaggy Eucalyptus trees at this time of the year.  They have such an interesting texture and distinctive aroma.

There were several of these big old trees shading the parking area.

We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful area.  We just have to remember to take the time to enjoy it.


  1. Just think of the beautiful areas yet to see!

  2. That's a wonderful area! Hope we get to come see it some time. I love the smell of eucalyptus!

  3. I even stood on my head and still don't see a lion's head.

  4. Suzy says she'd be amazed at the size if she could catch a fish like that! Yes, we see the lion's head, but wouldn't have if you hadn't mentioned it. And yes, there are wonderful things to see all over this country. Hope you can get way out there and see them all!

  5. So nice to see you two having fun in one of the prettiest places around. We love Santa Cruz. I too, love love love the smell of eucalyptus trees. Love wandering in an old grove, even though they are horrid fire makers.

  6. Jim would love to catch a fish that size. Maybe today is the day for him. It's always good to explore those areas close to you. Treasures are everywhere.

  7. nice day for a walk on the beach!!!

  8. Beach! Now you're speakin' my language.

  9. Except, I don't fully understand the part about walking six miles.

  10. Walking is good! Walking on the beach is better! Walking on the beach with the person you love is the best.

  11. It's nice to take the time to appreciate where you are. Too few of us do that. There's something special about life's little things.

  12. I miss the ocean so much. Grew up on the coast and I have been living in AZ for 37 yrs but the ocean is always on my mind.

  13. That is a beautiful beach area. I love Oregon but sometimes wish the beaches were warmer. Glad you and Craig are enjoying retirement.

  14. What a beautiful place to walk not far from home.


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