
Monday, August 27, 2012

Duty Calls

Last week was fun.  This week ... Not so much.

I have Jury duty, and have been selected for a jury trial that is expected to last several days.

I hope this is the last time I will have to do this.  

Do full timers with a South Dakota residence get called? What do they do if they are on the other side of the country?


  1. When I lived in IL and was summoned during my busy tax season at my office, I was able to call and get rescheduled. I would think the same is possible if you call and tell them that you are out of state.

  2. I've gotten a notice a couple of times. Filled out the form then added a note at the bottom that I was a full-time RVer and had no plans to be in SD that year. Each time I've gotten an exception back.

  3. We've heard you just contact them and explain your situation and they drop you as a juror. So "they" say...(read on forums many times)

  4. In six years, I've never gotten the 'call' from South Dakota.

  5. It may be that a state composed mainly of people wandering around the rest of the country, has less need for juries than other states?

  6. I was excused last Nov since that is the busiest time of year for me at work. I had to report in April though and thought I had made it to a jury. I was the first potential juror called to be interviewed and made it for 7 long hours, while they asked each new potential the same questions. At 3:45 I was excused. I was disappointed because i would have enjoyed sitting on that jury. As for a full-timer being called, I don't know if they would expect you to return for duty.

  7. Something I never looked forward to. Riverside County, CA. called us like annual clock work, think they got it off the property tax rolls. Not going to miss it.

  8. After a career in law enforcement, I'd love to sit on a jury for a change and watch lawyers grill somebody else instead of me for a change. ;c)

  9. Ugh, sorry about that. I was called in, went & they would not let me off. I had my own business then, but in Texas, that doesn't matter. I really worried about it as I was being selected for a BIG case in Galveston concerning the Moody family! I was really dreading it, but after a few misses here & there on their part, it was cancelled. Whew!

  10. Interesting Dilemma. Couldn't they tell the government that they aren't within state at the time? They can't force people to travel back for jury duty can they? hmmm.


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