
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sausage-less - Sausage

I am not a vegan.

I am not a vegetarian.

I love sausage.  

I have just discovered one of the best sausages I have tasted for a long time.

Trader Joe's Italian Sausage-less sausages!

I have tried several foods that are substitutes for meat products. Most were so-so. If I had seen these in a regular store, I probably would have passed them up in favor of a pork Italian sausage.  But I trust Trader Joe's enough to give them a try and was "wowed" by how good they were.

I plan to start using them wherever I would have used meat sausages in the past.  On pizza, in spaghetti sauce, or just by itself for a tasty lunch or snack.

I'm sure my friends over at The Good Luck Duck know all about them, but it seems to me there are more and more of my blogger friends who are trying out plant-based diets, and I wanted to share this discovery with them.  


  1. What is in them if not sausage?

  2. Will definitely give them a try when we get back to AZ where there's a Trader Joe's.

  3. Wowzer! Thanks Merikay! We will be sure to pick up some.

  4. Wowzer! Thanks Merikay! We will be sure to pick up some.

  5. I used to shop at Trader Joe's in Illinois and I like their products. Have not found too many of their stores while I am traveling.

  6. I have wondered for a very long long time why people who don't eat meat want their food to look like meat anyway. It puzzles me.

  7. Those might be a bit intereting to try. Some sausage, I like, but I find a lot of it to be too greasy. My ulcer doesn't like greasy. I've tried some of the chicken sausages & they aren't bad.


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