
Friday, September 28, 2012

Deleted Post

I just deleted a political post. 

 I believe everything that was in it, but I do not want to pollute my blog by going in that direction.  

"Politicians and diapers should be changed often
For the same reason." 

I don't know where that came from, but it is so true.


  1. I read your blog and was not offended. But I know why you removed it. I, too, refuse to go there -- politics.

    I respect your decision.


  2. We try to never discuss religion or politics, even around the campfire. No way to change someone from one side to the other anyhow. And you got a 50/50 shot of offending the person across from ya. LOL

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  3. Of course, it's your decision! But I didn't really see your post as political.

  4. As a rule, I never discuss politics or religion in my own blog but am always willing to offer an opinion when another blogger is brave enough to engage in these topics.

    So, I'm sorry I missed your deleted post before I had a chance to say I thought you were 100% wrong!!! Or, maybe you were 100% correct!!

  5. Now I wonder what it was..ha! I know what you mean though...sometimes I delete ...I just don't want to look at those thoughts myself when I come back to my own blog..


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