
Sunday, September 23, 2012


We are back home now.  Because we lacked internet connection at the campground in Yosemite, I have lots to write about and will write about the trip in several posts rather than one long one. Each day was special. 

We left Bakersfield after a leisurely Sunday morning.  Craig found a newspaper, and I made a nice breakfast. Our destination was the Mariposa Fairgrounds located in the foothills below Yosemite,   less than 200 miles away, and we were settled in our grassy 50-amp power and water hook-up spot by late afternoon.

The California State Mining Museum was just across the lawn from our spot, so we decided to take a look while the Alfa cooled down.  It was over 90F again.

The guy working there seemed very happy to see us, and since we were the only ones there he gave us quite a commentary. 

A large mass of quartz crystals.

Along with information about the crystals and minerals on display, he talked about some of the people he had observed. He told us how kids would often come into the museum, glance at the real specimens and then be glued to the computer looking at pictures of minerals!  Or how sometimes young Asians would come in, sit down, and focus on their hand-held devices most of the time they were there. I didn't say it, but maybe they were just there for the air conditioning. 

We stayed at the Fairgrounds Sunday and Monday nights. Our reservations in Yosemite were for Tuesday thru Saturday. We decided to take a warm-up hike along the Merced River on Monday.  "Warm-up" was an apt description since the day was once again quite hot. 

The trail we walked was along an abandoned railroad right-of-way along the river.  It had been cleared of tracks and was quite level. It should have been an easy trek and we had the option of going many miles, or only a few. 

We  stopped at a shaded picnic area for a snack after about 1 1/2 miles.   Most of the trail was unshaded and brutally hot.  I had a bit of heat stroke a few years back and can't tolerate the heat very well, so after our lunch we turned back.

Before returning to the car, I cooled my feet in the river.  The redness of my skin is not sunburn.  It is from being overheated! I'm glad we are finally smart enough (sometimes) to turn back.

I'd love to hike this trail in spring when the river is full and the weather is cooler. 


  1. Great pic of you Merikay!! :) You're looking good. That looks like a beautiful place to go for a hike.

  2. Glad you had a good time and made it home safely. Can't wait to see some pictures.

  3. You are lookin' great! And happy splashing about in the creek.

  4. Best to be vigilant when it comes to heat stroke.
    That water looked a tad cool, but sometimes that just the thing.

  5. Merikay, you are looking real good. And to think you actually walked over 3 miles in that heat. I'm glad you took time to cool yourself in the water. That looks like fun to me. I love to get my feet in a creek.

  6. Wow! that Quartz Crystal cluster is beautiful. Looked like a nice hiking area, and the water looked just so refreshing after mentioning the warm temps. How do you like the hiking poles? Thinking of getting some for Lolita she had a few spills on the trails here.

  7. Getting your feet wet is a great way to cool down. I love to wade in a creek or river. That looks like fun.

  8. Isn't the shock of the cold water great when you are sooo hot? Love it. And ohhh, those crystals...


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