
Saturday, January 12, 2013

We're Not in Arizona Anymore

After leaving Las Vegas Thursday afternoon, we intended to work our way south and go to Quartzsite for the big tent show.  

After filling up the propane, fresh water and diesel fuel we drove about 100 miles to a Golden Valley RV park that accepted Passport America. After two great PA experiences, this was a bit different.  The book said they would accept PA for three nights and the rate would be $12.50. Reality was they would only take it for one night, and charged $21. My PA book is recent. The other two places we stayed with the PA were quite nice. This one was a gravel parking lot. None of that is important. It was just a stopping place because the weather was getting ugly.

Poor Craig. By the time we got parked and he was out hooking things up, a storm arrived with icy sleet. I stayed inside and warmed up some clam chowder for lunch.

When we woke up Friday morning the water hose was frozen. 

I had said that we were going to be flexible and our destinations beyond the Death Valley were dependent on the weather. It looked to us like Western Arizona is going to be cold for the next week. 

So we did what having a house on wheels makes possible. We packed up and drove 400 miles to where it was a lot warmer!

We started the day with fresh baked, Trader Joe's croissants. They start out frozen, and all you have to do is put them out to thaw and rise overnight and bake them in the oven. They are a special breakfast treat that we have every so often. (I probably should have pulled the blind for a better picture, but this is one happy, warm man.)

We burned some of the calories with a four mile walk along two of the beaches in the area. Yes, in just the right light the waves look violet in color.

Looking down the beach in the other direction, the sun's reflection  dazzles the eye. 

This is a life style we could really love!  

Where are we? Santa Barbara, California.
High 59 degrees this afternoon.  

We are at a dinky RV park, but it has great cable and Craig is watching the playoff game.
More beach walking, or other exploration for me tomorrow!
More football games for Craig.


  1. I know the feeling! We are so happy that very shortly we will be driving into warmer weather. :)

    Love the pics, especially your header photo. Beautiful!!

  2. That is the type of RVing we have always preferred as well. If we didn't like a place, or the weather, we just simply packed up & moved on. It's a great way to roll:))

  3. In my opinion, you can't beat the beach! It's still cold at night in Pismo, but next week the daytime temps are predicted to be in the mid-60s. Enjoy the beach!

  4. I sure hope that you do come to Q. There are so many bloggers here. We are having a ball meeting everyone.

    Yes, it's a bit cold at night, but the sun is toasty during the day.

  5. What John and Nan said. Several people have come up to me and said "Hey Kimbopolo!". However, I do envy you the warmth. And the croissants.

  6. Those croissants look amazing! Love the honey bear with my bread too! Your pictures were spectacular! Glad to see ya'll having a great time despite the chill!

  7. Good for you for doing what suits you. I would take the beach with 59* over that cold desert right now. Craig does look happy and the croissants look great. I need to get to Trader Joes.

  8. Beautiful place there! Sure happy to see Craig enjoying the sunshine and seashore, instead of fighting frozen hoses. We stayed at a small RV Park right off the highway there a couple years ago. Beautiful area. I can't believe I fell asleep in my recliner and missed the entire overtime ending of the Denver/Baltimore play off game! Woke up just in time to see the Baltimore players celebrating in the locker room.

  9. Good move to leave AZ we are freezing. The hight today was 45 degrees. Beach looks great.

  10. it is warmer in ohio than Arizona! Yippee

  11. Being a Santa Barbara resident I was able to recognize the places in your photos. This is very cold weather for us living here.

  12. Glad we didn't head for Casa Grande, AZ this year or Quartzite. Terrific photos!


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