
Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Week Gone

Well, here it is Friday again! 

We finished painting the family room on Monday (no picture) 

On Tuesday we started the last phase of fixing up the walls in the hall.  A closet, the laundry room, a bedroom, and a bathroom are all at the bottom of this little five-step-down hall area. Craig has done some drywall repair and has replaced all four of the doors.  Before I could paint, we needed to spray the repaired drywall areas with texture spatter.  It is really a messy project.  We needed to paint the walls with primer first, spatter, and then paint with primer a second time.  

I put plastic over the new doors and floor. This area will be getting new baseboards, wood trim around the doors, and new carpeting after we get it all painted. 

The light is just above where I was standing for the first picture looking down three steps.  The hall leads to the living room, and these steps go to my sewing loft and a bedroom. 

I painted the ceilings here and down in my former studio today. Craig was also busy. 

Craig had his record collection in a bookcase along the wall to the right.  Speaking of which, nothing has happened with the guy who said he was interested in the record collection.  I guess we have to give him a nudge or start thinking about other possibilities.  For now they are all still in the living room!

In between painting projects, I have been able to do a little creative sewing.  Last year, when we were at Crater Lake I bought a long sleeve T-shirt on our last day at the park.  I guess I didn't really believe I would be able to keep the weight off, because I bought it in the XXL size without trying it on until we were back at home.  It turned out to be a men's XXL and it fit me like a huge sack.  I didn't want to throw it away or send it to Goodwill, but I didn't want to wear it either.

I have found a style and cut of shirt that I really like.  After  a bit of searching I found a pattern for just the cut I wanted. 

Although the shirt was XXL size, I could not use the sleeves because my pattern has a different kind.  But, I had a nice black tee shirt that was also too big for me that I could use.

Me and myself in my remodeled shirt

I'm really happy with the result, and may be making more shirts for myself in the future!  Now that I'm a retired artist, I will be enjoying new creative outlets.

Finally, on Valentine's Night it was not quite cold enough to have a fire in the fireplace, so we relaxed to the crackle of a fireplace app on our iPad.

Craig in colorful PJ's that I made for him.

Tomorrow we go to the dump.



  1. Your making some nice progress with the house projects and a great idea and job on rescuing your shirts to enjoy. Like the way that you improvised for your Valentines fire.

  2. I like your newly remade t-shirt. I don't like the unisex fit of most souvenir t-shirts.

  3. Love the T....I have a couple that need to be made down. But the funniest thing on your blog is your very last sentence. Priceless!

  4. Smart idea on the t-shirt. And progress on the house. Won't you be glad to be done with it?

  5. The t-shirt looks great...very creative. Craig is a brave man to let you publish a picture of him in those colorful PJs LOL!!

  6. Very nice job on the shirt, Merikay. Looking good!

  7. Two thumbs up for Craig's colorful PJ's.....:))

  8. Wow, Merikay, you are getting so much accomplished!! I know how hard it is to stay motivated and working day after day, and week after week. I can tell you though, you are going to feel such a weight OFF your shoulders when you get to the end of this part of the road!!

  9. Great job on the t-shirt. I have a few that don't fit, but I don't see myself doing anything about them!

    You have such an interesting house. I'd love to see more pictures. I just can't quite get a picture of it in my head. So many levels, stairways and decks!

    We always liked to go to the dump too!

  10. Gosh Merikay - you have done much since I last read your blog in January. Well done!

  11. I've seen those apps for fireplace fires. You can put them on your TV, too...I LOVE fireplaces! Love your tee shirt, too! Great job and can't wait to see the new crafts you come up with!

  12. Love that iPad fire, didn't know you could do that. We miss our fireplace living in our MH, now we knwo we can have a fire anytime we want one! :cD

  13. You are definitely making head way on your house. I have remade shirts before too. Once I found this shirt at Good Will that was a 4X, I brought it home and cut it down to fit me. Still one of my favorites.
    My Mom did good to teach me to sew, comes in very handy.

  14. Nice job on the shirt and also keeping the weight off. Your house is coming along nicely

  15. Don't you guys ever rest?? I'm going to take a nap after reading today's post. Oh wait, yes, you rest. In front of an ipad fireplace! Too funny!

    I'm impressed with the t'shirt!


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