
Friday, March 8, 2013

Dump day

Garbage cans are full to overflowing!

My van is full!
We are starting the day with a trip to the dump!  
We decided we would have to get a professional from the door company to come and take out the patio door so we could big oak computer desk out.  We bought it before we had the new patio door put in.  After due consideration, Craig decided to dismantle the desk and trash it. We had planned on putting it on Freecycle anyway.  People are using their lap tops and don't want large home desks anymore.

Nothing much has been finished this week, but a lot has been worked on.  We have momentum.


  1. There are days,and weeks like that. Hang in there, when you finish the tasks you are working on, you will have made a huge leap.

  2. Awesome Merikay! Sounds like you are making great progress.

    When you get a chance, I answered your question in my last blog post. :)

  3. Yup, easier to dismantle the desk instead of the door! Sometimes it's hard to get the seals to shut right after putting it back in.

    Karen and Steve
    The USA Is Our Big Backyard


  4. No comment on the door, except I can hear my Dad saying to dismantle it and not mess with the door .....
    You are doing so well on your plans and daily projects... It is such a job but NOT endless since I am living proof ....
    Needless to say, you are providing flashbacks for me as you describe the day to day !!!! Carry on ......

  5. No one wanted our big desk either and we gave it away to Jimmy the hoarder. Maybe I should send him your way. He hauled off absolutely everything we didnt want and couldn't sell. He was a lifesaver! Everyone need a Jimmy!

  6. Karen & Al, do you think Jimmy the Hoarder would be likely to come cross-country for our junk?

  7. That is funny on the desk. Art had to take ours apart today, so we could get it out the door. We put it together in the room. If no one wants it we will put free on it and then they will take it, they always do.
    You guys sound like us, you should have seen our trash day.

  8. Aren't Russ and Donna the nicest people? I met them last year and then later we took a trip to the Eugene, Oregon area where they live so my Joe could meet them too.


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