
Saturday, March 23, 2013

What My Doctor Said ...

I think this will be the end of this post line! 

Basically my doctor was no more help than any other. She listened and she was understanding about the pain I had experienced, but she could not give me a cause nor a real solution.

My Potassium levels were a bit low, but still within "normal" range. She prescribed a Potassium supplement. My Magnesium levels were not tested in the ER, but she had tested them in January and they were OK then. We discussed the use of the Magnesium oil, and she was OK with it.  I will have additional blood work in a week to check these two minerals again.

She gave me a prescription for Valium to be used as a muscle relaxant if I should have another occurrence similar to last Tuesday's. Its good to have it as an emergency treatment that will ease the cramps and keep me from having to call 911 again. 

We agreed that increased  hydration and stretching were both good and I should be sure to do.

Just to be on the safe side, she is ordering a Vascular Study on my legs.  We don't think there is a problem, but it is an elimination of a potential cause. She said the pulse was not strong and my feet were very cold.

If I learn anything else that might be of interest to others who have leg cramps from time to time, I'll be sure to share.

But other than that, I am returning to post about RV travel,  food, and getting ready for full timing!


  1. It is so frustrating when they can't figure out what is wrong. We're beginning to feel the same way about Jim's shoulder. And all I ever seem to post about anymore are doctor appointments. It gets really old. Hopefully, you don't ever, ever, have another episode like that one.

  2. It's so frustrating when no one has a solution/cause to offer.
    A diagnosis is easier to live with than uncertainty.
    And of course they don't choose not to bill you when they haven't been of any help.

  3. Well, i agree it is frustrating, but you have a great attitude! Focusing on fun things sure cant be bad. Let's all hope and pray NO MORE episodes!

  4. I'm glad it was nothing serious but I know you were hoping for answers. It is probably just one of those freaky things that has happened to us all. But better to be safe than sorry with the vascular sturdy.

  5. It's worrisome that it might not have been just a freak occurence, but it sounds like you are doing all that you can to prevent a further leg cramp event.

  6. I brought your experience up today with fellow volunteers when one talked about having leg cramps last night. We never know how our experiences will help others.

  7. Sounds like a good plan of care. If (heaven forbid) it happens again be sure to take the Valium early on in order for it to have maximum effect.

  8. I have a lot of cramps due to a spinal injury. I take Gabapentin or Neurontin. This drug in non-narcotic and non-addictive. It does not make me high or drowsy though I have heard that it does make some drowsy. It was originally developed for epileptic seizures, which I do not have but it also blocks pain. I don't think the doctors know how it blocks pain but it does.

    The other thing that really helped me was acupuncture. If not for the relief I received from the acupuncture I would have blown my head off by now. It is great.

    Good luck with the pain. If you get to Indianapolis send me an email and I will tell you how to get in touch with Dr. Park the doctor that does acupuncture.

    Be careful on the road.


  9. I have a lot of cramps due to a spinal injury. I take Gabapentin or Neurontin. This drug in non-narcotic and non-addictive. It does not make me high or drowsy though I have heard that it does make some drowsy. It was originally developed for epileptic seizures, which I do not have but it also blocks pain. I don't think the doctors know how it blocks pain but it does.

    The other thing that really helped me was acupuncture. If not for the relief I received from the acupuncture I would have blown my head off by now. It is great.

    Good luck with the pain. If you get to Indianapolis send me an email and I will tell you how to get in touch with Dr. Park the doctor that does acupuncture.

    Be careful on the road.


  10. Frustrating! I hope this passes quickly!


  11. Hey, what happened on the passport front, btw? Did that come through?



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