
Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Walmart

Well, I didn't have much time to feel sad about Gil leaving for Thailand, because as soon as we got back home we went into getting ready for departure in the Alfa.  I had taken many things up to her over the week or so before, and assembled trip necessities on the dining room table. Having a good list sure helps when you're in a hurry.

The rally we're going to starts Monday.  We have two and a half days to cover almost eight hundred miles.

Everyone has there own way of traveling and their own best times. There is no way either of us could live through a 5:00 AM departure like some of you.  For us, getting up at 7:00 AM is early, and by the time we have breakfast, shut down the house, bring the Alfa down to the front drive, fill the fresh water and load the refrigerator we are satisfied with a 10:00 AM pull-out. 

Getting the Alfa up our road, onto the freeway, and then stopping to hook up the toad went very smoothly.

Our driving day was the best kind. Uneventful. We had sunny skies and no wind. Traffic was light and this was the best L.A. has ever been.  We ran into only one slow down!  That has to be a record. 

So here we are at our very first Walmart.

We drove 360 miles today, getting an all-time high of 8.7 mpg.

The good mileage was mostly due to the fact that we drove straight down the center of California on I-5.  Flat and straight. We have also been keeping our speed between 55 and 60.

Gil left a coment on my post from yesterday.
 "Sitting here in the Singapore Airport reading your blog. So far, so good, although I'm not actually there yet." 

Love the internet!


  1. Have safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your Rally!

  2. safe travels tomorrow..and sleep well in the Walmart parking lot!

  3. That's a lot of miles for one day. Safe travels!

  4. I have yet to do the Walmart thing. That's a lot of miles.

  5. We haven't done Wal Mart yet either. So glad you are in the road.....happy trails. By the way, I read yesterday that the Roy Rogers Museum was closed down and everything was sold. So sad!

    Anyway, have a safe travel day...

  6. We aren't early travelers either. But we also don't cover near that many miles either. But you have a specific date and destination which also makes a difference. Walmart makes such an easy overnight when you're traveling. Have fun, fun, fun at the Rally.

  7. Enjoy the Rally. I have not been to a Rally yet and have not done any Walmart camping, either. I always see ads for Rally's but the date and place never fit into my travel plans.

  8. We've pulled the moose into many Walmart parking lots. But, so far it's just been to stop for lunch and/or a bit of shopping. Overnighting there is perfect when you're simply getting from Point A to Point B in two (or two-and-a-half) days. Congrats on your first!

    It sounds like you really played your cards right on I-5! When it's going that well it's good to get in as many miles as you can.

    Best wishes for continued safe and happy travels. Enjoy your rally!

  9. The Alpha looks great and yes I see how low yours rides as well. Have a fun trip! over 8mpg is fantastic!


  10. That's great mileage for your Big White Thing. Hope you have a wonderful trip and lots of fun at the rally.

  11. What a beautiful photo of the Alfa against the sunset & WM. Love it! Have tons of fun! I usually get up around 8 myself - but because that's when the dogs tell me to get up! But I never get straight on the road, there's always things to do first.

  12. Just catching up on some blogs. Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip. I'll be reading, maybe a little late but I guess that is better than never.

  13. Wal-Mart is our home away from home, but for shopping.


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