
Friday, April 26, 2013

Grand Canyon, Thursday April 25th

We finished our walk of the Rim Trail on Thursday. Two and a half days, about thirteen and a half miles. We decided to stick to the relatively flat and mostly paved trail to both get accustomed to the altitude and to see as much of the Canyon from above as we could. Each day we walked part of it and then took a shuttle bus back to the campground. I really liked being able to stay near the rim. There are RV parks in both Flagstaff and Williams, but staying there would require a sixty mile drive each way, each day. The full hook-up, drive-thru sites at trailer village cost $37.50 (with tax). In late January I reserved our spot for five nights. We are a 35' class A. The other campground here has no hook-ups, has a 30' limit, but only costs $18 plus tax per day.

It is really hard to pick out a few pictures to post. Wednesday Craig took almost 200 images. Almost all were wonderful. We do disagree somewhat on processing images. Almost all of the images you usually see of the Canyon are very colorful. On a clear sunny day you will see it that way. Our images have been processed to bring out the rock formation colors as you may see them on a good day.

As we walked the last few miles of the rim trail we watched the clouds building up. We could see what we thought was rain falling in the distance. We still had some sun and it was not particularly cold. 

However as we hiked along, the clouds above us started to darken as well.

Then big drops of rain started to splat around us. We hurried on, not stopping to take pictures as the rain turned to snow.  Not much, but definitely snow that stayed on the path long enought to be seen.

It never felt really cold, but we were glad to get to the end of our hike at Hermits Rest.

Legend has it that if you have your picture taken while standing under the bell at Hermits Rest you will have good luck.  

Never pass up a chance to improve your luck!


  1. Your pictures truly do the Canyon justice. Just beautiful.

  2. I agree that it is worth it to stay in the Natl Park campsite, easier to get out and walk around and see things.

  3. What a 'Grand' time you are having. I really like all of the pics. They bring back so many memories to me of my times there.

  4. Gorgeous pictures Merikay, I especially love the clouds coming in. That is really something to see in person I'm sure. I hope we get to see the Canyons one day too.

  5. Well I hope you got your pic taken under the bell too! Sooo gorgeous there. It makes me want to just jump behind the steering wheel & GO! I never thought about the altitude. I'd definitely have to acclimate first. Wow, it's so gorgeous, I don't know how you can choose pics! Love the old tree & the clouds decending over the rims.

  6. Great post and pictures Merikay! The Canyon is gorgeous and I especially like the picture of the clouds and tree. Snow!?!?

  7. Enjoying your trip to the Grand Canyon right along with you. Great photos. Have fun.

  8. Amazing pictures! You brought back our memories of the trip we made to the Grand Canyon at the end of April, 2010. We stayed at Trailer Village, too. We had to leave a few days earlier than we planned because the high altitude made it hard for Dave to sleep. The Trailer Village people were very nice about letting us cancel our reservations.

  9. We think your luck is just grand! Grand Canyon, that is. Isn't it a wonderful place, with or without snow!

    Glad you could come to Arizona for some true beauty!

  10. From personal experience, it's very tough to pick out just a few photos from ones I've taken at the Grand Canyon. That said, you've done a marvelous job of picking out some beauties - outstanding photos!

  11. What beautiful pictures. I hope you get some good luck and sell the house quickly!!!

  12. Your photos are great, thanks for sharing them!

  13. Another great reason I follow your blogs. I am seeing the Grand Canyon through your eyes until we can see it for ourselves. Beautiful pictures.


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