
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pickets done!

[From Craig]  In response to all of the "we want to hear about your getting your house ready for sale" comments to Merikay's last post, I've volunteered to do some of that.

Long-time readers may recall a post last Halloween, in which Merikay noted that our house has 516 pickets in its deck railing, each of which had to be sanded and then stained before we could put the house up for sale.  We stopped work on that project when the weather turned. Today we finished sanding and staining the last 71 of the 516.  Here are some of them:

Which is not to say our deck sanding and staining are done.  We still have 2 1/2 flights of stairs plus two areas of deck boards before our deck work is done.  

Between Merikay and I, we will try to keep our home preparation fans in touch with our progress.  It's just that we're getting close enough that we want to be careful that our blogging doesn't affect our coming home sale in any way...


  1. A lot of work for sure, but it looks beautiful!

  2. Whew...what a lot of work but it is beautiful.

  3. What a great job. Isn't it nice to check things off your list> Thanks for posting.

  4. Great job Craig, both with the pickets and the post!!

  5. That's a huge job, but your results look beautiful!

  6. I love decks! Actually I love pretty! Looks like your home buyers will have a wonderful spot to relax!

    It's so much work, but you will have a great sell I am sure!

  7. I know from experience how beautiful that deck is. You guys have done a wonderful job getting it ready.

  8. Thanks for reminding me how much work goes into home maintenance. I'm so glad we don't own one. LOL

  9. Well done on checking off such a job. I hope you take a few minutes to enjoy the results.

  10. Agree with the Gnomes, we like watching what you're doing that we did 5 years ago. We are so glad we don't have a house to maintain anymore.


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