
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

All is well, I hope!

One of the twins. 

Their mom is just starting to let them come out of hiding at the edge of the forest below our house.

We seem to be getting something, or part of something done every day. I think all the hard work Craig has been doing has been good for him. He is not into "exercise" but working on the house every day has been just that. The best news is, barring the unexpected, we can see an end to it!

We have talked to three Realtors and have chosen the one we want to work with. It is a team, but not the team I originally thought we would list with. I feel good about them and so does Craig. All three market analysis presentations came up with similar price recommendations. 

We have not yet decided on an asking price nor when we will actually list, but we are moving in that direction.

Meanwhile we are slowly getting things cleared out.

Today we found a "home" for Craig's books. 

Craig's nephew in Wisconsin says he would like to have them. All we have to do is get them there. We know it will cost a lot to ship them, but this is his lifetime collection and he really wants it to go to someone who wants it. We can visit the books someday!

Now there really are only two large personal items left: Craig's audio system and my china. My daughter has quite different taste from mine and my china doesn't suit her. We may have a nibble on the audio system. 

My accomplishment for the last two days was to clear out the rest of the attic. Last year I removed just about everything except all the big empty boxes from all the electronics we have bought over the years. Big printer boxes, big computer boxes, and a number of components for home theatre system. 

We kept a few, but I flattened most of them and took them to the recycling place today. Along with the cartons from the two new vanities in the bathrooms, they made a very full van load. 

Although the recycler accepted them, he didn't pay me anything. He told me of a place that would if they were bundled, but it was too much trouble on a hot, hot day. I was just glad to get rid of them.

A final bit of progress is that the carpet man is coming again tomorrow and we will make our final selection and place the order. Most of the dirty work is done. We will probably get the new carpet installed in about two weeks. Craig has a lot of new baseboards that he has stained and wants to install them after the carpeting.

39 days until our Washington trip!

We may be listed by then, or it may be a vacation before the final push to get on the market.  Two of the Realtors seemed to think September was a good time to have a new listing, and that August is often the slowest month of the year. 

We shall see. 


  1. That is a lot of books! Its good they will all stay together!

    39 days will fly by!

  2. You're making such good progress. Glad you found a home for the books, but boxing and shipping them all doesn't sound like fun.

    We listed our house in September, became snowbirds in December, and had a contract in March. Maybe the same will happen for you!

  3. How exciting to be so close!!! All of your hard work is paying off. I'm sure you know about media mail through the US post office. Maybe that would be the cheapest way to ship all of those books.

  4. The USPS has reduced rates for shipping books or they use to. It would be worth checking on.

    Be careful on the road.

  5. I'm kinda like Craig. Don't mind the working kind of exercise but not into exercising just for the sake of exercising.

  6. Wow - you guys have really been making a lot of progress since I last visited. Trying to get caught up with everybody but you guys are wearing me out. Such an exciting time.

  7. There are companies that provide missing pieces of china for someone wanting to replace broken pieces or add place settings. A company like this may want to buy your stuff. I lost weight and toned up when I was getting my house ready to sell. Its exercise just different.

  8. It sounds like you are nearing the sudden whoosh and then it was done phase! How exciting :-)

    Can you bring a few plates and bowls of your china with you? There must be places wanting china - do you have a flea market type place near you? Maybe one of the vendors would be interested.

  9. Wow that is quite the book collection. Looks like you are in the final stretch. The Washington trip will be a nice reward for all your hard work.

  10. We listed our house in September and had our closing the week before Christmas. So that timing definitely worked for us! You are really getting there!! The finish line is in sight. :)

  11. Now, see, you say I'd hate your place, but I LOVE that bookshelf! Our poor place is full of mismatched, overstuffed bookcases, and I'd love to have a full wall like that!

    I love your needlepoint shopping bag, btw--especially the "replaceable inner bag" idea. Brilliant, and lovely, too!


  12. Merikay, Kathy here, one of your newest "fans." One place you might check about selling your china is this company:

    This takes you to their info about selling to them. They are well know and headquartered in Greensboro NC about an hour from Raleigh/Cary NC where I live :).

    After reading your comment to me and seeing the fantastic wall of books, it made me realize just how daunting it can be to purge stuff! No wonder you had to start visualizing your dream very early! ant wait to read about all your future adventures.

  13. Which nephew was it? I may have to visit him someday to claim a bit of my legacy.


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