
Monday, July 22, 2013

We keep Checking things off!

Although throughout this process of getting the house ready for the market, Craig has been resistant to having a "to do" list, we finally have a working one that we have been listing things and checking things off. We wrote it together one day, and have been adding to it as we think of things that need to be done. I must admit the additions seem to outstrip the check offs at this point, but I feel the tide will turn soon.

In addition to a bit of repair work, Craig checked off "box and ship his books" and "pennies." Pennies? For forty-six years Craig has tossed his pennies into a cup on top of his dresser each day. When the cup got full they were transferred to a large container in the back of our closet. One container, two containers, five containers have moved with us and gathered dust over the years. Since they are a bit heavy, they can't go with us in the Alfa. I hauled out the containers several weeks ago and we both rolled pennies. I know we could have taken them to a coin sorting machine, but Craig wanted to roll them.

He took them to the bank on Friday. All 231 rolls. Grand total $115.50. I'm sure glad we have other retirement savings!

The books? It took him most of Thursday to pack them into nineteen 1.5 cubic foot boxes. Each weighed slightly less than 40 pounds. 

He sent them via Media mail so the postage cost wasn't too bad. It was a little less than $350 for all. Craig is happy they are going to someone who wants them. I'm wondering what his nephew's wife is going to say when those all those boxes are delivered.

This week is going to be very busy. We met with the realtor again this afternoon, are having the carpeting put in tomorrow, having a septic system inspection on Wednesday, and a termite inspection on Friday. Plus we will be doing as many smaller jobs as we can. 

If all goes well, we plan on taking a day off Thursday and going up to San Francisco to see an America's cup race. Sweden, New Zealand, and Italy are vying for the challenger position. The boats this time around are huge catamarans. I hope we can get a good view of them from the land. We are not sailors, but we have always had an interest in the America's Cup. We have seen the boats in San Diego and Auckland, and are looking forward to seeing them in San Francisco.

UPDATE: Thursday's race has only 1 boat in it! We don't know when we'll go!

A day away from all this work will be very welcome!

Although the house is not yet "on the market" we did sign a listing agreement today. A very important part of the marketing strategy is getting photographs done and doing a virtual tour for the web listing. By signing the listing agreement we are getting the ball rolling in that direction. Our goal is to have the house ready before we leave on our trip August 10th. If it is not, we may delay, but I think we can do it!


  1. ooooh! So exciting. Wish we could be out of here by Wednesday, but I doubt it. Jojo and John have a couple of tasks to complete. It never fails, does it! Always something to finish up.

  2. Eventually those to do lists really do start to shrink. Have a great time at the race. You guys deserve a day off.

  3. I think its a good idea to take a day off and get away from the thinking and planning of the sale of the house. That is not a bad price for shipping all of those heavy books.

  4. Wow, it is finally going to happen! All these months of hard work are finally going to pay off.

  5. Your hard work is paying off, early August will be here before you know it. How exciting for you guys. Becki

  6. OMG! 46 years of pennies. I'll bet there were a lot of wheat pennies and some that collectors would like to have had. I always go though my pennies when I roll them and collect all the wheat pennies. I've found a few over the years.

  7. We are very keen America's Cup fans. Watch all the races on TV but so much better to be there although you do see more on TV.

    Have a great day and we'll be looking for you among the spectators. *smiling*


  8. Wow Merikay!! You guys are getting there! woot woot!! Exciting times! :)

  9. You are SO close!! I'm sure excited for you!

  10. You should be quite proud of yourselves! You have worked so hard and now you are almost ready! I can't believe all those boxes of books! I'm with you, I bet the "lady of the house" is speechless!

    Enjoy your day off...can't wait to see pictures!

  11. What really makes things urgent is when the house isn't ready, but it's listed, and on the first day the first visitor says "I want this and I'll pay more than the listed price, but I want it in 30 days." That's our story, but we had only about an 1100 square foot house. Goodwill and St. Vincent de Paul were recipients, but some stuff even they wouldn't take and had to be hauled away.

  12. if you can-Try to see the race from the top of Coit Tower,wonderful views. We were able to watch Fleet Week parade of ships one Year complete with a close fly-over of the Blue Angles. Heaven!

  13. Well, I can see a very bright light at the end of the tunnel. After all your hard work, you're almost there.

    That's lots of pennies and lots of books. Must be nice to have them both taken care of.

    Have fun at the boat races! San Francisco will be a beautiful setting for them. :)

  14. I find to do lists rewarding. I love checking things off. My gosh you are getting close - Aug 10 is only a few weeks away! It must be starting to feel "real".

  15. really are almost there!! Looking forward to meeting you in Congress this year??

  16. Getting closer, checking off todo list items feels good.


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