
Saturday, August 3, 2013


Just a quick note this morning!  If I could have kept this house as clean and orderly with everything fixed and painted, I would never have wanted to sell it and go on an adventure.

But, at least for me, keeping any house clean isa full time job.  I just don't know how some people do it.

I have a sister who has a perfect house. No husband, but a perfect house.  I would rather be me.


  1. Amen to that!

    I didn't get to see your last post..."a funny thing happened on the way to the signing" ....that post never showed up on my computer!

  2. I think that is the hardest part of selling a house..keeping it 'show ready'. I didn't get to read your last post either. I can see it on the reading list..the first paragraph at least..but when I open it to read, it just says it's not there :(

  3. I'm with you, I never liked housekeeping. Did a lot of it when I was a kid. There were 5 kids and we did all of the housework as soon as we were able. So now I don't like to do it.

  4. Your house is probably messy because of all the jobs and repairs and painting, etc. you guy are doing - both inside and outside. It would be really hard, if not impossible, to keep up with that.

    When I had houses for sale, it was always a pain to keep them perfect all the time and I'm a real neatnik. It's such a relief when the buyers sign the papers and you can relax a bit. :)

  5. I had the same problem with your last post. It had such an intriguing title, but alas, I couldn't read it. What happened at the showing?

  6. I am not into housekeeping. Wasn't when I had a house and still am not one now in the fiver. It's just not high on my list of priorities. Spent a lot of my life apologizing for that and feeling bad about myself. But not anymore. I am happy with myself and life is much more pleasant that way. When I met Harry it all just came together so easily - we each have our areas that we take care of - and vacuuming etc. is on Harry's list. :) Works out great for both of us. I do other things that he doesn't like to do, like cleaning out the litter box and washing dishes.

    I also am intrigued by the title of your last post, and wondering what it was all about...????

  7. What Jessica said!! I just have so many other things I would rather be doing than cleaning the house.

  8. Me neither - couldn't read your post. I can't even keep this small fifth wheel clean. So glad I don't have to worry about a house to sell.

  9. Waste of time! There are so many rewarding activities, aren't there? I doubt anyone on her deathbed ever said, "I wish I could scrub that floor one more time".

  10. That is what hired help is for. Have them keep things up....


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