
Saturday, August 31, 2013

In My Heart, I became a full-time RVer today

No, we do not have a buyer for the house yet. Our realtor says the weeks before and after Labor Day are the deadest couple of weeks in the year.  

Craig and I have discussed staying in the RV vs. moving back into the house, and  have decided to stay in the Alfa.  Today I did the final sort and empty on several of the kitchen drawers. Not much to toss out since I have been culling thru it for so long.  I ended up with a small pile of things to take up to the Alfa and a box of things to put down with the Yard Sale/Donate piles in the garage.  I will continue to work thru the other drawers in the upcoming days.

Today, something "clicked" in my heart.  

Today, I came to the final conclusion that I would never live in this house again.

Today, I became a full-time RVer. 


  1. Congratulations! You know you're joining an elite group of thousands of folks who love their life on the road. So happy that you honored us with your presence... it's what's in your heart that really counts!

  2. What a wonderful feeling when it clicks. Congratulations on making the switch! May this be the first day of many happy, safe and trouble-free miles as the two of you make memories to last a lifetime.

  3. It's a nice feeling when you know you are doing what is right for YOU! I look forward to reading about all the adventures you and Craig will find. Hope the house sells soon.

  4. Yes! You know many of those reading your words today know exactly what you mean! It's a great feeling - and is just the beginning of the freedom you will feel when you are heading down the road with your home behind you. :) I hope it comes sooner rather than later for you.

  5. Wow - that's big. Really big. It's been a long winding road for you two but I'm so glad you arrived where you want to be. Life IS good!

  6. You are starting out on a great adventure - I can't help but feel a bit envious - but at the same time so happy for you!

  7. Yay, I got goosebumps! Yes, might as well live in the Alfa since you are going to anyhow! Congrats to ya'll!!

  8. Congrats you have come a long way...I have been reading your blog for awhile now...just got my
    rig last Oct...cant full time yet..but my day will come also..
    have a great day and stay safe

  9. Well, must say I am envious of you guys. Full timing was a big part of my dreams when we first got into RVing but as you know, it has to be a resounding joint decision when two people are involved. You are both very fortunate in agreeing to realize & fullfil each others dream I think that is just sooooooo great:))

  10. We decided to live in our RV while fixing the house up for sale and never returned. We considered ourselves FT when we knew we would no longer sleep in the house, even though it wasn't on the market until 4 months later and sold 3 months after that. It was weird thinking that soon we won't have the "right" to walk on our old lawn, etc. Weird after 22 yrs. Have no regrets and we've been FT for 2 yrs now.


  11. Congratulations! It must be a good feeling after all the work you have done, I hope your house sells soon.

  12. YIPPEE!!! I kind of feel like I have been there from the beginning...Sit back and let the realtor do his job!!

  13. Congrats, you have worked hard toward this goal.

  14. Congrats! When John left the hospital, he wanted to go straight to the motorhome. We did just that until the temperatures and humidity chased us int the house....for two weeks! We did not have 30 amps to service only one air conditioner. Praying that your house sells quickly.

  15. We felt that way too when we were living in our RV outside our house! It is a great feeling.

  16. Yeah! It's the best life ever. Joe and I never knew how much fun we would have and how at peace we would be!

  17. the last mental hurdle has been mightily cleared by Merikay... well done!

  18. Congratulations Merikay and Craig.

    It's much easier trying to show and sell a house when you're not living in it. You can keep the house spotless for weeks, but just let it get messy and that's when a buyer wants to look at it!

  19. I have to add my congrats to the many comments over there from all your blogging friends. We have all watched you progress through so many changes, shifts, hard work, both personally and on your home and in so many ways. It is wonderful to see your dream no longer "in smoke". Congrats again, and a big hug to both of you

  20. How exciting to go "all in"! We're hanging on to the house for a while to see how it goes. Sandy thinks she wants to be a part timer. Time will tell.

  21. Congratulations! I am very envious and hope to follow in your footsteps..or rig day. Being new to your blog and the idea of RVing, it has been great to read about your journey. Thank you so much for sharing! It has helped me to realize we too may be able to live the dream one day!


  22. Another great BIG .......CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Gotta a great laugh over Judy's comment ..... How true it is the RV Bloogers are a TIGHT and CARING COMMUNITY ...... Not always true in the sticks and bricks communities !!!!

  23. A SUPER congrats, the next big step is when you really adjust to it, took us 6 months.


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