
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Leaving in three days!

Wow, what a long summer! Although I had made a week reservation at Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort in the Olympic National Park, I didn't let myself make any plans or do any research about the park until just a day or so ago. Up until then I held the thought that if we were not ready to show the house, we had to stay here and keep working.

Well, it is as ready as we can make it for now, so, yeah! We are going.  We have to finish cleaning out the back "workshop" garage tomorrow. And on Thursday our handy-man is coming to start a few minor repairs required by the pest control report.

I will pack and load the Alfa over the next two days, and spend Friday doing the last bit of wash and cleaning the house just a little bit more.  We plan on sleeping in the Alfa Friday night, and leave in a leisurely way on Saturday.

It's 915 miles from here to the campground in the Olympic Peninsula. Check in is at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, so we should have plenty of time to get there.  I plan on either Boondocking at a Walmart or pulling into one of several Passport America or SKP parks along the way.  The drive should be quite enjoyable.  It's still a few days to early to look at the weather forecasts, but there seems to be a slight chance of some thunderstorms over the weekend. We have time to go a little slower than we would like to, but if we hit wind and rain it will be best to take our time.

I spent some time looking at the road into the park on Google Earth tonight.  That really is a neat thing to do when going to a new place.  Sol Duc is about 15 miles into the park, and the road looks like it is two lanes, undivided, but not too curvy. 

It looks like there is a lot to see, hike and enjoy.  What a welcome change it will be from working on the house.  

Speaking of the house, the photographer comes on Monday, and it will go up on the MLS on Friday August 16th. 

 I never thought I'd see the day!

I keep hearing the market is "hot" right now.  But I am trying not to expect a quick sale.  What will be, will be.  We still have work to do when we get home, and a lot of stuff to still dispose of.  

But starting on Saturday we will be away from it and unable to do anything, so we will just have to take a deep breath and live the good life for a couple of weeks.

I will probably post again before we leave, but if not, keep us in your thoughts for safe and uneventful driving.


  1. those three days will fly on by and before you know it you will be on your way!!!

  2. congrats on the imminent MLS listing and enjoy the getaway...

  3. Such exciting news, going on a trip and listing the house. Woo hoo!!!! Maybe this is a good omen. My mom is meeting with a real estate guy on the 16th as she wants to sell her 80 acre farm in Wisconsin. She's been holding off because the housing market was so poor. But, she's 76 years old and wants out. Hopefully, you'll both have great success. Enjoy your trip. We spent one day driving through the rain forest in the Olympia National Forest when we were in Seattle in 2010. What an amazing place!

  4. Wow! After actually listing it, the next exciting part is having the first showing. Then for us, it kind of settled into a pattern. No matter what, they are exciting days though.

    Have a wonderful time on your trip!! Relax. :)

  5. I can't believe I'm seeing this post! It's been a long time coming, hasn't it?

    Before we listed our Georgia house, I had been looking at some MLS listings and found some awful pictures. I remember one showing the shampoo bottles in the shower, and a few others that were similar. I decided then and there, that I would be the photographer for our MLS listing. No one could photograph it and the beautiful property better than I could. So you might keep that in mind when the photographer comes and have him show you his photos before he leaves, to make sure he doesn't photograph any thing that is not "pretty."

    Maybe you'll be as lucky as we were and sell your house while you are away!

    Have fun.

  6. Awesome! I am so glad you can take your trip as planned...

    Can't wait to hear from you " on the road"! We have never been to Olympic NP.

    Isn't it nice to plan a trip and take your time? We always had to rush to get in a vacation in our younger days.

  7. Woohoo, take a deep breath and have a wonderful time. Try not to think about the house while you are gone; you are getting really close to a final goodbye.

  8. Good work, Merikay and Craig. Have a wonderful trip! If you are traveling north on I-5 and the distance works out for you, Rolling Hills Casino in Corning, CA allows boondocking and has a $28 RV park as well. Seven Feathers Casino in Canyonville, OR also allows boondocking on the north side of the casino, and has a very nice RV park across the highway from the casino. Little Creek Casino in Shelton, WA (on Hwy 101) just opened a new RV park, but I don't know if boondocking is allowed.

  9. Are you going to hop the ferry and visit Rick and Paulette while you're up there?

    Safe travels, my friends.

  10. Congrats! It's getting there and now you get to go out and relax after all that hard work!


  11. We are so glad you are getting away! You probably will pass us. We are in Eureka for a few days rest and will head north a bit more tomorrow or Friday,(not the best day to travel) or Saturday morning. I have had bronchitis and just today am feeling better.

    Seeing your home on the MLS is going to be both exciting and a bit of anxiety producing. Hang in there. I am praying that you have a quick, uneventful, easy sale!

  12. Wow, sounds like you guys are about to see all your dreams come true. If you go up I-5 give us a holler and we can get together if you have time.

  13. Have a wonderful trip! You both deserve a break. My fingers are crossed for you for a speedy sell.


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