
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Leg Cramp update and other odds and ends

If you were reading my blog a few months back, you may recall I had a terrible time with severe leg cramps.  Bad enough to call 911 and take a trip to the ER.

Since then I have taken a prescription potassium med every day and have supplemented my magnesium with OTC products.

At first I was using something called Magnesium Oil. It seemed to work well, relieving cramps when they started, but it was messy and dried the skin on my legs and feet.

Then Karen, one of my readers, sent me an e-mail about a product called Magnesium Plus Ionic-Fizz, by Pure Essence Labs. Although it is available at some health food stores, we ordered it on line.

All I can say is WOW, it really works wonders.  I've waited a couple of months to be sure before I recommended it to anyone since I am skeptical about "supplements." 

You mix a small scoop (spoon provided)
with water. The flavor I have (berry) has a very tart citrus taste and fizzes much like those little fizzy candies we had as kids.  It's quick and easy to take.

I take it as needed. Not every night, but on the many nights when I start to get a cramp in my foot or thigh, I don't wait for it to develop or hope to walk it out. Instead I go mix up and drink an Ionic Fizz. The cramp relaxes and does not come back.  I also seem to sleep much, much better.

So, if you also get leg cramps, you might want to give it a try.  All I can say is it works for me and so far I have had no negative side effects.  My doctor also says it is OK to take with the other medications that I'm on.

Needle Point:

I'm still finding plastic canvas needle point a very relaxing hobby. I actually finished this set of three "closet pockets" in early August, but never found a good time to put them into my post.

Each of the three pockets are about 12" wide. 

Our closet has four doors. I put these up on the bottom part of one of the doors on Craig's side. So far he hasn't thought of anything to put into them. 

My latest project is for this space next to the chair. I'm doing a pocket for the TV remotes and a larger one that will be a place to put a few magazines.  I'm doing them as geometric designs in the Pendleton blanket colors.

These projects help me cope with the stress of waiting for news about the house.  Keeps my fingers happy!

Our plans for our next trip are coming together. All parts for the Alfa repair have come in, and we have appointments for Wednesday, September 25 up in Sacramento.  Two different places, one for the jack and one for the steering, with the second one possibly extending into Thursday.  It's at the Truck Center, and they have a hook up which we hope we can use to stay overnight.

Our reservation at Zion National Park starts on Sunday, September 29. Plenty of time to get there. It's about 700 miles. They say Zion is great in early October.  I'm looking forward to it.

The only thing that will change the plan is if we get an offer on the house.  I wouldn't mind staying here to deal with that.

Finally I want to end this post by saying congratulations to my son, Gil (aka Joko) for finishing his first teaching assignment in Thailand and getting rehired for a second term. I had no doubt he would do well.  It has not been easy, but it is good to see him finding a new profession.  Good Job Joko! 

If you would like to follow his adventures his blog is: 

Tell him his Mom sent you!


  1. I love your handiwork. What an inspiration!

  2. I think that's so neat that Joko got asked back for another term. He is definitely doing a good job over there. Good to know about the leg cramp stuff. Mine have been behaving themselves lately. Fingers crossed.

  3. Thanks for the tip on the leg cramp remedy. Russ has terrible cramps and i get them occasionally. He talks potassium and eats a banana every day and that helps some but having a remedy he can take when he gets one would sure be a blessing.


  4. I'm also a leg cramp sufferer, so thanks for the remedy. Your needlework is lovely.

  5. Oh I can't wait to see Zion in your's on our list for next year.

    Love the pockets! Nice storage and cute and colorful!

    Congrats to Joko!

  6. Glad to hear the cramps are under control. Al used to get them a lot, but fortunately he hasn't been bothered lately. I think it must be our diet change. I'll have to remember that stuff if they should come back. Wonder if it would help me relax and not grind my teeth at night?

    Can't wait to see Zion with you.

  7. I was in Zion in October 2 years ago and it was really nice then, beautiful place!

    When my condo sold, I was on the road, and did everything on-line except the final papers that needed a notary. I found a local Notary Public, signed everything, and sent it overnight at the post office. Done Deal! Of course, I had already done an Estate Sale, so I didn't have anything left in the condo.

  8. Glad you found something that worked for you cramps. You will love Zion. It is still one of my favorite places we've been.

  9. Good news about the leg cramps, we remember how bad they were.

  10. Thanks for the hint about the magnesium - I just might order it for myself.

    Your handiwork is marvelous! So colourful. All these things help to make your new space your home.

    Best of luck with the repairs and have a fantastic trip!


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