
Sunday, September 29, 2013

On the Road to Zion

My post about the run-down desolate towns in Nevada was an observation, not a criticism or judgement. As we travel I am likely to write about what I see without great modification or perspective. I write after a long day of travel while the impressions are fresh and real.

Today, after a relaxing day and a half at the Oasis RV resort in Las Vegas, where I was able to catch up on the wash, do a bit of shopping for my son, and top off the groceries, we hooked up and headed off to Zion National park in Utah.

As we drove out of Las Vegas I thought about what I had written in my last post. As I looked at the desert landscape I started to see its unique character. The further east we went, the more green it became and the more interesting the mountains grew. The best thing was that aside from the road itself there was very little trace of mankind. No junk. No rundown buildings. No dead towns.

The terrain began to change in the small slice of Arizona that we crossed. More hills and more color in the rocks. As we crossed the Utah border a spectacular range of hills and mesas were revealed. 

The towns we passed thru were well kept and the road and yards were tree lined. Quite a difference. 

We are now at the Zion Canyonland RV Park. Our spot is a shaded pull-thru just a short distance from the pool and laundry.

We are both looking forward to a full week of hiking and exploring this wonderful park. 

This is the view from our dining table window:


In coming here we have changed time zones. Craig just went around the coach changing the clocks. The "kitchen clock" on the wall, the bedside clock, and the Alfa dashboard clock. 

I would have just added an hour each time I needed to know what time it was.

What would you do?


  1. I was catching up on your blog as I was off camping this week. I had to laugh at the Tonomah RV Park. When I first started out 4 yrs. again I hit so much construction I got lost. I drove for 7 hrs. and had to stop. I saw a sign for a park and turned around. I didn't want to stop but here came Pewee Herman on a golf cart. My sister and I dubbed it the Bates RV Park.

  2. We're still traveling down 95. Zion really is a gorgeous gorgeous park. We love it there. It's even beautiful in the snow.

  3. When we went to South Dakota last April, we changed time zones for a few days. Our phones changed automatically, but we left all the clocks that had to be changed manually on Eastern time. If we had been staying longer, like for a month or a season, we would have changed them all.

  4. We change the clocks when we are in a different zone. Of course most of ours are automatic, so only 2 to change.

  5. I always change the clocks. My sister never does. Takes her forever sometimes to figure out what time it really is.

  6. Ah! The Watchman! We enjoyed that view from that very campground on our first-ever RV trip over five years ago. Enjoy your stay in that beautiful area. It's one of our favorites. (Of course, we have many favorites!)

  7. What a view - no matter what you are eating it will taste great with that sort of scenery.

  8. In a beautiful spot like that I would turn all clocks to the wall and forget about time!

  9. When I first started out, I thought like you that it was just easier to add the hour. I found, though, that it did get confusing and so now, I change the clocks. It only takes a few minutes and you won't keep wondering why all the TV shows are on at the wrong time. :)

    I think that if the govt shuts down, Zion will be closed. Just a heads up, in case. :(

  10. I used to think the same thing when we drove through Navajo land....I thought "Those poor people...they have nothing. How can they make it"? But those are the happiest people in the country I think....most of them never ever want to leave. Then we stopped at one of the roadside jewelry stands and this Navajo woman was selling this most gorgeous jewelry she made and it was BIG bucks and I thought to just never know.


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