
Friday, October 11, 2013

Dealing with the Good and the Bad

The good is that we are  comfortable in a very nice Escapee Park in Coarsegold California.  It's much more park-like and pleasant than most of the short term we have been in lately.  The space is nice, we have 50 amp power and good cable TV.  Our Verizon hot spot is working fine, and the weather is good.

So what is the bad? This morning we set out to drive to Bass Lake, about 30 miles north, for a hike.  As we went up one of the hills along the way, the clutch in the Accent had a problem.  We continued on and although we were able to keep going we were well aware that there was a problem. 

We were able to pull into a car repair place in Oakhurst, but they could not help us until next week.  Thank goodness for smart phones!  We were able to locate and drive to a Hyundai dealer in Fresno. The Accent is there now waiting for a new clutch. We have a rental car and are back at the SKP park. More bad is that the clutch is not covered by the warranty.   When all is done it will be over $1200.  Not good for my budget!

But  we can stay here as long as we need to, and perhaps we can take that hike tomorrow. 



  1. Hopefully better days ahead, cheaper too.

  2. I know how those unplanned for repairs happen. :( Good luck!

  3. The more I read about these bigger motor homes etc. the happier I am with my little 12 foot 1954 Bellwood that my husband completely renovated for me. I honestly thing I could live in it full time if need be and it is just so simple that there is not much that can go wrong...

  4. Wow, that's an expensive one! But at least you can spend a wonderful time at the Escapees' park while waiting for the repair to be done.

  5. Ouch, unexpected repairs are not fun.

  6. Oh, Merikay, I'm so sorry to hear this. It's good you can point out positives in your life at the moment

  7. So frustrating and expensive when something goes wrong on the rig or the toad. Hope you get to take your hike.

  8. That's a big OUCH! So sorry. ...always hate to read that kind of news.

    Enjoy your days there and can't wait for hiking pictures. Our boots are collecting dust these days...makes me sad!

  9. Isn't your car new? NO warranty? That really is a shame to have such an expensive repair on a new car.

  10. Geeeeez! Why does it always have to be something? And why is it (usually) so expensive?

  11. Sorry about your toad. What a pain in the tush. We stayed at that park and really liked it.


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