
Friday, December 20, 2013

Catching Up

Craig said I really should put up a new post because it has been a week since his birthday.  So here goes...

Our month in San Diego is almost over. It has been a whirlwind of family activities and good times.

We have played games:

Cooked together:

Had a yard sale

This guy bought a necklace I had made in the 70's

Decorated the tree:

We got together with our extended (not related) family:

We enjoyed some beautiful weather and gorgeous skies:

We took some walks along Mission Bay just steps away from our rig.  I should have walked more, but I was just too busy!

We also went to two school band concerts, a Boy Scout awards ceremony, Ender's Game, did lots of shopping, had a little car trouble, and worried about selling the house.

I mention the last because it is always there. We are glad we had this time with loved ones to distract us from the process.  In another week we will be heading back to Camp Driveway and wintery weather.  In the Santa Cruz Mountains, freezing is rare, but it does happen. We are more likely to have heavy rains and/or wind.

Our emphasis for the first few weeks of January will be to clear out as much of our remaining stuff as we can. We will do better if we pressure ourselves to get it done.


  1. Interesting present under your tree. Sounds like you've had a mostly wonderful time. Sure wish you could stay south longer before heading back to Camp Driveway. Be safe.

  2. So nice to spend some real time with family, doing regular day to day things. Sounds like you're having fun and staying busy. Merry Christmas to you and Craig and your whole family. :)

  3. Wish you could stay ibn San Diego area longer. You really need to chill even more.

    Sure wish your house would sell. Maybe you should sell enough raffle tickets at a specific amount that would, if all sold, give you the amount you want and person who purchased the raffle ticket could get the house for the price of the winning ticket.

  4. I hope that month away renewed your spirits and energy. Looks like someone got tired of decorating a little early ;-)

  5. Sounds like so much fun...wonderful family time!

  6. Yes, I understand what you WILL happen... :)

  7. I'm glad you have been able to spend some time with the family and that you've had nice weather.

    At least you know when you go back to camp driveway, that you will be working to realize your goal of becoming fulltimers!

  8. It is wonderful that you got to spend so much time with your family - those are the things that really matter, aren't they.

    The house will happen, but in the meantime enjoy the now!

  9. Thanks for the update. That sure looks like a nice walkway along Mission Bay. Good luck with the house - it'll happen.


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