
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

Craig and I are sitting in front of a fire at our house for hopefully the last New Year's Eve.  Although we are living up in the Alfa, we decided to come down and enjoy an evening in the house.  We will be having Champagne, Herring, crackers and Black Eyed Peas soon and visiting with our Daughter via Skype.  

We are at peace with the world, and thankful for all the good things that have happened to us this year. Several wonderful trips and good health.

We are of course looking forward to many RV adventures in 2014. 

We are ready!


  1. Happy New Year and wishing you both a Awesome 2014 and great year of travels.

  2. Happy New Year, Merikay and Craig. May 2014 be a year full of traveling adventures for you both1

  3. Happy New Year Merikay and Craig. Happy Travels for you in 2014

  4. Happy New Year Merikay and Craig. Happy Travels for you in 2014

  5. Happy New Year to you two! Best wishes for a great 2014.

  6. Happy New Year. Thank you for sharing your journey to full time RV living. It must be stressful. You have a beautiful home and anyone would be thrilled to own it. (Where's anyone when you need them, eh :-) )

  7. Happy New Year! I think 2014 is going to be a great one. Here's a toast to the future!

  8. Happy New Year, here's hoping this time next year you'll be houseless.

  9. Happy New Year. We hope to see you sometime during the year.

  10. Here's to getting that house sold in the new year!

  11. Happy Happy New Year with lots of wishes and hopes that the house sells soon.

  12. Happy New Year!! :) Hoping for the best of news in your house sale very soon!!

  13. Love the header picture! Happy new year Craig and Merikay.


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