
Monday, March 3, 2014

A short vacation

We are finally on the road to Pismo Beach for that short vacation I have been mumbling about.

Departure was smooth, hook up of toad went well, and we should arrive by 3:30.  We are stopping at a Trader Joe's in San Luis Obisbo for supplies on the way. 

The skies are still a bit overcast, but the grass on the side of the road and on the hillsides has become very green. There should be lots of wildflowers blooming on our way home. The vast agricultural fields all look very happy to have gotten some natural irrigation and are either freshly plowed or a lush carpet of new plants growing. 

It is Spring in California.


  1. Hope you have an enjoyable vacation in Pismo Beach.

  2. I look forward to reading about your latest get out, and feel for your heartache on selling your home!

  3. Woot! Woot! Have an incredible time!

  4. Good for you two! ---- Enjoy- you deserve it!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  5. A spring time camp - is there anything better? Enjoy and try to let the stress wash away.

  6. Enjoy your mini vacation. It may be the last one, if all goes well for the closing!

  7. Hope you're having a great time!! :)

  8. Hope you're having a great time!! :)


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