
Friday, April 11, 2014

Rally Specials

One of the nice things about going to an RV rally once in awhile is having various vendors offering slightly reduced prices ready to come to your site.  

On Wednesday we had several windows defogged, and on Thursday morning our Alfa got her annual wash and wax. 

Thursday afternoon we had the holding tanks professionally blasted clean. Now, the SENSORS ARE WORKING. In two and a half years the black tank sensor has never read empty. We will see how long this remains true. We have tried lots of recommended things to keep them clean and unclogged, but despite them the sensors still showed 2/3 full after being emptied. EMPTY is good. The cleaning did cost $180, but that is far less than having the sensors replaced. Now we know they were not malfunctioning.

Throughout the week we have been to a number of seminars. As usual some are just informercials with product to push, but some have been interesting and informative. We have some very smart people in our group who gave talks about some of the systems we all have.

Our favorite repair service guys from Alfateers are here, but we waited too long to get on their work schedule here. We were surprised that we couldn't get in for work at their shop until mid-May. We had unrealistically expected to be able to just drive there next week and get our work done. Not. We are on the list, and if they get a cancellation earlier they will let us know. In the meantime we will drive there, in the car, for a day next week to look at carpet samples and discuss satellite systems and installation of our new front TV. If we order something they do not have in stock it will take a couple of weeks to get there anyway.

With this in mind, we are going to go to the Escapee park, Jojoba Hills, near Aguanga CA. It's about sixty miles from Alfateers' location. It looks very comfortable. A bit on the rustic side, it has been on my list of places I wanted to visit in California. They don't take reservations, but I called and they said they currently had several sites in the rental pool. So we should be able to get in.

I've done my homework, and made the plan for the next drive. We will leave here Sunday morning, meet a friend in Phoenix for brunch and then drive most of the way to the Escapee park. It looks like the last miles are on a narrowish road and we don't want to drive it at the end of the day in the dark. Best to do that Monday morning.

Gee, it's nice to be able to take our time! I checked my "Casino Camping" book and located the Casino in Indio that allows overnight RV parking. So that's where we will stop over Sunday night.

The rally days have zipped by. We have had wonderful dinners each night. I have only had to cook once! They are even going to pass out complimentary "breakfasts in bags" Sunday morning. I think we will save ours for an afternoon snack when we are driving.

So many people have worked very hard and volunteered their time to make this a fun event. I did a little by volunteering to teach a craft class. It was fun. I asked the lady who had showed me how to do plastic-canvas needlepoint last year, if she would join me in leading a class. Between the two of us, we think we have inspired a few of our friends to give it a try, or if they had done it years ago, to give it another look. Leading a class also helped me become "part of the group" and get to know some of the other ladies better.

Everyone has a story, and everyone comes from a different place, but they all enjoy RVing and are part of the Alfa family. We also enjoy the Alfa Rally because is is a lot smaller than the FMCA's. We only had 120 rigs, so it was actually possible to get to know some of the people. 

We may be able to be back next year, or we may not. We will just have to wait and see where the Alfa take us.



  1. Our new TT has a black tank flush feature. We don't have a clue how to use it yet but we're hopeful that will help. Being in the company of people with similar interests--and rigs--is such a cool thing! So glad you got to teach people about your craft! There must be days when you two feel palpable relief that you're on the open road rather than in the driveway!!

  2. We have found that the sensors work when they feel like it. Either way, we never need rely on them anyway. We know how many showers it takes to fill up the grey tank, and the black tank fill is like clockwork.
    You both must feel so good to know that the Alfa doesn't need to head north anytime soon!

  3. So glad you've had a good time at the rally. Even on our new rig the sensors don't work, we know our limits so we don't worry about the sensors. I'm sure you're enjoying the freedom of not having to be anywhere but where you want to be.

  4. Our sensors don't really work well either, but we've learned to adjust. LOL. We have figured out the sound changes when the black tank is getting full and we keep the gray tank open since we do laundry and that could get ugly!

    Glad you're enjoying your new lifestyle. I'm anxious to see the changes you're making on your coach. One of the best things we bought for our coach was the Directv satellite. Push a button and it finds the signal.

    We have yet to go to a rally. Sounds fun.

  5. My sensors are fairly accurate, but like Karen, I usually go by the sound of the flush to know when to dump. :)

  6. Our black-tank-flush feature is simply a hose connection that goes to the black tank. They say to leave the black tank dump drain open when using it. We find that if we close it, leave the gravity-fill cap open, and carefully watch how it's filling, we get better results when we drain it.

  7. Sensors - who looks at sensors? We gave up on them a long time ago and like the others have said, you get used to the sound and know just about how many showers it takes before you need to dump. Smaller rallies really give you a chance to get to know folks. So glad you've had such a great time.

  8. Leading a class is a fantastic idea.

    Our tank sensors rarely work, no matter how much the tank is flushed or how much cleaning stuff we put down it...

  9. Haha, so many posts on sensors that don't work. Mine included! But I can see down my toilet & well, do know the sound. My gray tank is more difficult, but I know to dump it after I fill the RV with water twice since I don't hook up to city water. Love the last word of your post - FREEDOM! It rocks!

  10. So glad to hear that you had a good time at the rally!

  11. Freedom is so right. Don'tcha just love it!

    Our sensors a close, but no cigar! Like the others, we know our living pattern and water usage and when it is time to dump. And we can hear the 'echo' when we flush. There are tons of clues.


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