
Friday, June 27, 2014


Friday, written as we're driving along a two lane highway in Kansas, heading toward Nebraska:

So very green!

We left the terrible humidity several days ago. Although it has been warm, I can breathe again. Of course we haven't taken any hard hikes.

So very green!

The corn looks much taller than called for by the old saying "knee high by the Fourth of July", but it has not tasseled yet.  We saw one small plot of corn that had tassels.

So very green!

It is good to see the vast expanses of farmland. The farm homes look in pretty good shape. Only a few look abandoned.  

It is good to be reminded there is more to this country than the golden hills, central valley, vineyards, and big cities of California.  

Both Craig and I were born and raised in Wisconsin. We've been back to the midwest a few times, but have lived in California for thirty years.  

In large quantities, green is a fantastic color!


  1. Hey Merikay - is it green out there? With all the rain we're having it's really green here too. Enjoy being able to breathe again.

  2. Your post was one of encouragement to me this evening. We leave on our trip to North Dakota soon. After we leave Utah (visiting Canyon Lands)we
    will drive through Colorado, Nebraska,South Dakota, and arrive at North Dakota. I have great concerns right now about all the severe weather I'm seeing in the plains. Thank you for your beautiful descriptions of the countryside you are driving through. Enjoy the ride!!

  3. As we headed east in May, the bright green was startling! And to see that it is still green and it is almost July 4th is pretty rare in Indiana. By now, the grass is usually turning brown and people do not have to mow their lawns twice a week.


  4. Enjoyed hearing about the Midwest !!! Sounds like the corn crops will be plentiful this year..... Which is a good thing ..... Glad you are both having fun !!!

  5. I remember the first time I went through Utah on Amtrak and I thought Utah was ugly because I was used to the "green" of the Midwest. Now I know that Utah has some beautiful areas, also.

  6. So I guess it's pretty green there?

    We used to live in eastern Nebraska in Omaha/Bellevue. I've heard the western part of the state is very beautiful.

    Not sure exactly what part of Nebraska you're going through.

  7. We've lived in the Green Mountains for the last 20+ years, I know after awhile we'll miss it if we stay in the west too long. Joy of the lifestyle, change the location when we want to.

  8. Oh I can totally relate to your love of green! We traveled way too long in the SW. I was thrilled to see a little patch of green grass in front of an office building.
    I now realize how important green landscape is to me and will never complain about mowing again!

  9. all that pretty green become ugly yellow stubble in the winter and not so pretty at all then... enjoy the journey...


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