
Friday, July 4, 2014

So Far Behind

We are alive and well in Sioux Falls South Dakota taking care of business.  I have fallen so far behind on my posts that I have just decided to scrap the unpublished, unedited ones and move on.

Happy fourth of July everyone.  We are finding the heartland of America quite different from California.  I appreciate the differences. I read a local newspaper yesterday. It was an example of freedom of speech.

This is a big country. A good country. I am glad to have a chance to meet the people.


  1. Happy 4th of July to you both!! enjoy the weekend!

  2. Happy 4th to you both also. Since we're stationary for the summer and mainly working I'm not posting much, wish I was too busy to post though :) Be safe with all the crazies out there this weekend.

  3. Happy 4th of July. I know what you mean about being behind. Not on posting for me because I don't have anything to post but on reading blogs. Have fun and enjoy life. That's what's really important.

  4. I am a Canadian, who lived in USA as a child. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Independence Day! Happy 4th of July! Blessings, Lynn

  5. Happy 4th of July, Merikay and Craig. Enjoy your time in South Dakota!

  6. Happy Fourth. We will be heading to North Dakota soon. Hoping no severe weather along the way

  7. I'm glad you are enjoying getting out and seeing how other people of my favorite things to do!

  8. Ain't it grand out there! Glad you are out and about.

  9. As much as we love California we are looking forward to how "different" it is out there :-). You're living your dream so your blog is right on time!! Hope your 4th was full of fun!


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