
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Walk across the Mississippi

Although there are several places in northern Minnesota that claim to be the headwaters of the Mississippi, one place has been designated as such.  There is a stretch of rocks between the lake and the start of the "river" and it is something many people, mostly children, walk across. 

Craig had to do it too.

He was wearing his waterproof hiking boots. Most of the kids were barefoot.

The rocks were a bit slippery.  Challenge is good for the body and mind. Balance! 

By this point he had attracted the attention of those of us on shore. We watched each of his steps, hoping he would not fall and hit his head on the rocks.  Bloody water is disturbing. 


A small cheer went up from the crowd when he returned to an upright position.

Several children came to his rescue.

Returned him to his leadership position, and escorted him to shore.

Fortunately the new Jeep has a cargo space suitable to carry soggy heroes back to camp for dry clothes.

We finished the day with a nice boat ride around the lake and a late lunch at the Lodge.

A good time was had by all  :-)


  1. Do you realize that you and Sherry are both at Itasca? Just wondering if you follow her blog or not. Reading about both of my friends in the same place is a kick.

  2. Oops. Mo and I managed to walk across that river without tipping, but it wasn't easy on those slippery rocks! Glad all is well.

  3. lol...looks like fun! Good for Craig for trying!

  4. Sure glad this turned out to be a funny story. This is one of those memories that will be laughter for a long time. I think barefoot would have been the way to go.

  5. Good story. Glad he didn't lose his glasses. ;)

  6. OH! how I love this post! Craig, you rock, you do bomb! are my hero! ..... Can't wait till I can try the same route!

  7. JB: halfway across I stopped to put my glasses in my shirt pocket. Merikay said 2 kids behind me got tired of the delay and turned back...

  8. Haha, great post. Glad no one was injured in the making of this post.

  9. That's hilarious! Love the picture in the jeep afterwards! :)

  10. Great story and so glad he didn't get hurt. Are you coming through Wisconsin? We are camp hosting at Derge County Park in Beaver Dam, about 30 miles from Madison.

  11. Do I detect a bit of sarcasm here and there Merikay?

    Glad you made it across Craig, but I bet that water was cold!

    Love the last picture with the sheepish grin on your face.

  12. I'm glad he had fun anyway, despite the tumble in :)

  13. What a trooper Craig is! What a nice way to start a Mississippi River tour. Perfect "wet" cargo area :-)

  14. Love this post, if we did this, meaning Bob, we 'might' write about it but doubt we would ever post photos :-)

  15. I love his courage and his young heart. Was the water very cold?

  16. Yeah Craig! Have No Regrets :-) The photos are great and like many others I love the one at the end. Intrepid explorer!


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