
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It's the Little Adventures that Add Up

Tuesday was a day of small scale adventures.

Craig had spent most of the morning trying to get a few basic prescriptions called into a Walmart in Sheboygan. He had sent in an email request on Sunday evening, and we had expected them to be at the pharmacy by Tuesday. They were not. It seems his doctor is on vacation, and the doctor who is covering for him was "working his/her way through the messages". For what it's worth we have had delays every time we have requested renewals. I thought we had set things up with our doctors, but their offices do not seem to be able to comprehend the fact that we need things called into different pharmacies each time.

Neither of us has any serious health problems. I take a thyroid medication and something for arthritis  and Craig takes a blood pressure medication.  Nothing fancy, but necessary.

Anyway, by the time he worked things out, most of the day was gone, so we decided to just take a short walk along a trail marked in the open prairie grass area of the park. It was very interesting because there were informative signs for the many different flowers, shrubs, and grasses growing there. Birds too, but the sign about four kinds of birds was the only one covered with bird droppings! The signs gave information about what Native Americans had used the plants for. 

Once again I was taken back to childhood memories by the many native wildflowers. I fondly remember them all: goldenrod, Queen Anne's Lace, cornflowers, milkweed and many more. 

Our second small adventure came in the evening.

Late in the afternoon there had been an unexpected knock on the door of the Alfa. It was the camp host. He had two messages for us. The first was a "Hello" from his wife, who although not a blogger herself, knew my blog and noted that we were at Harrington Beach. She is not here this week because she is still working in Florida, but likes to read the blogs because they want to full time too, when she retires.

The second message was that an amateur astronomy club member would be opening their observatory, which is in the park, and allowing visitors to look thru their large telescope that evening. The host was going around to all the campers to tell them about it.

So at about 8PM we walked over and joined a fairly large group of other campers at the observatory, to see what we could see.

It was not yet fully dark, but the moon was very bright and the club member had the telescope trained on it.

This picture is from the web, but it is just about as detailed as what we saw thru the telescope.

As the sky darkened the club member talked about telescopes and what you could see with them.  

When it got dark enough to start seeing some of the brightest stars he zeroed in on the planet Saturn. 

Again, this is an image from the web, but it is just about the same as what we were able to see.

I have never seen Saturn thru a telescope before this. It was amazing!

So, what started as a low key day, yielded a couple of good experiences.

RV life is good!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love walks through prairie grassland, what seems like a vast emptiness is actually teaming with life.

    It is a shame about your pharmacy troubles - one would think that if repeats were available they'd just be able to call up your prescription from a shared database! It should be easy!

  3. As far as the prescriptions go we know a few Full-timers who after a few years on the road no longer needed blood pressure medication. We also know others that spend their winters in Arizona and no longer need medications for Arthritis.
    It is great what you can see living in an RV whether full-time or part-time. Be it with the naked eye, through binoculars or a telescope it is all amazing but more so because we don't have a fast paced life to get in the way of our observations.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. I get my meds through a mail order pharmacy. The drs. office always sends prescriptions there in a 3 month supply. My prescriptions go to our official address in SD, and then they come with our regular mail shipment to wherever we happen to be.

  5. Medications and doctors are probably the biggest challenges facing us.

  6. Each of John's physicians writes his prescriptions for a full year. We then use Walgreen's and never have a problem because they are on a nation-wide computer system. No matter what town we are in, we can have our scripts filled with no problems. Sure saves a lot of frustration.

  7. What fun you are having! Don't you love the little events like this that come along and surprise you?


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