
Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 2 Blue Ridge Parkway

On Thursday we once again went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway on Hwy 151, but this time we headed south.  

Once again we stopped at just about every overlook and were not disappointed by the views.

Although the day started quite sunny, storm clouds began building up as the day went on. When Craig was admiring the view from this vantage point, I heard the sound of water from the rock wall across the road.

I couldn't really see any water until I got much closer.

There were many tiny streams of water seeping out of the wall. This, and many similar walls were blasted out when the parkway was built.  Fascinating. 

We did take one short hike from an overlook down to a waterfall. 

We planned on eating lunch there, but as we got settled on a friendly rock, it began to rain. 

By the time we got back up to the Jeep it was pouring, so we ate there and drove on. The rain stopped, but the road and views became quite foggy.  However, we enjoyed the ride, even if we couldn't see all that we came to see. The fog was enough to make the place mystical, but not dangerous.

We have a few more days to go up there again, and probably will.


  1. When we stayed there, we took 151 by car one time....and from them on we took the long route to the Blue Ridge Parkway. We hated that road!

    The mountains are smokey here too.

  2. That is a place I have always wanted to go!! It really looks beautiful!

  3. We almost did the Bluewater Parkway route several Autumns ago when we left for the South-West from Kelly's Mother's place near Rochester New York.

  4. it looks lovely. Good idea parking the Alfa and making trips from a home base. The campground sounds funny yet just what you need!

  5. The weather changes many times there. I hope you are enjoying your time there. It sure isn't like where you lived, is it.


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