
Saturday, October 18, 2014

An Autumn Week in North Georgia

We felt like real full time RVers this week, just being lazy and watching the season change. No plans to rake leaves, clean gutters, harvest firewood, or pay property taxes! 

There was quite a rainstorm here Tuesday. I guess Karen and Al know more about Georgia weather than we do, because they took off and went to a motel Monday night when the storms first started. We had looked at the local and regional radar and decided there probably wasn't any danger, but I did make a mental note that the brick-walled laundry room and bathroom were at the end of the street, about six lots away. I try to remember to find a safe place to go to (if necessary) when we first arrive at a new park.

We have been having overnight rains often this fall, but this one was quite hard and woke me with the drumming on the roof. I felt quite peaceful knowing we were not under any big trees like we had been all last winter on our own land.

The rain continued all day. Karen told me we got five inches and the rivers were running hard and full. 

Craig enjoyed the day alternately reading and napping on the couch.

I spent the day doing needlepoint and reading. I felt a bit like I was inside  protective bubble with the rain and wind all around. I checked all ceiling edges and was happy to report they were all leak-free. The window that we had repaired last spring was also nice and dry.

We had planned on waiting a couple of days before taking another foliage drive, but with the storm and wind we were afraid all of the leaves would blow off. Wednesday started as a partially sunny day, but by the time we took off it was mostly cloudy!

The mountain  views from the Brasstown Bald lookout tower were quite different from a few weeks ago when everything was green. This time the clouds were very dramatic, and I was pleased to catch this bit of color in a splash of sunshine between clouds. It was very cold up there as well! Forty degrees and windy, so I didn't stay up on the tower's deck for very long.

We retraced our path from Monday, but this time without the fog cover we were able to see far off into the distance from the turn-out locations.

There is a small town named Helen on the route we were driving. The central area of town has block after block of shops and restaurants decorated in a Bavarian style. I think I would rather see a small town do a theme like this than fill itself with waterslides and wax-museum-type attractions. If it fills the cash registers of the local businessmen, more power to them! 

Craig and I both like German food, so we stopped for lunch. We both enjoyed Reuben sandwiches. I make them for us at home from time to time, but they looked like the best things on the menu. 

There was still some very nice color along some of the drive, but in other places it was as we feared: pretty blown out.

Thursday was another lazy day, but on Friday we again went exploring. This post is getting too long, so I'll tell you about what we did in the next one.

[From Craig]  I love the combination of the blog title and our new top image.  If I had a dream that looked like that, I'd consider it a bad dream!


  1. I really like that shot you got from the tower.

  2. You are in a great place for Autumn!

  3. Enjoyed the pictures - love the fall colors.

  4. Feeling like a fulltimer is a good thing isn't it :-)


  5. You two are sooooooo relaxed and enjoying your R & R that it fun to read your post ..... Just made. Me kick my shoes off and relax !!!! Photos terrific !!!


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