
Thursday, October 9, 2014

We are still here ..

I know it has been a while since I wrote a post. In fact, Craig wrote the last one for me.  I just haven't felt that much of what we were doing was of much interest to anyone out there.

We are still here at River's Edge RV Park, in the North Georgia Mountains near Blairsville. We continue to take walks and have even done one hike that included a mile of the Appalachian Trail, but how many pictures of peaceful forest walks do I need to post?

We have had a few rather cold nights so the trees are really starting to turn. We will be here for a couple more weeks and hope to catch a bit of the color peak.

Day to day we have relaxed a lot, shopped a bit, and taken care of some odds and ends that needed our attention. We both got our teeth cleaned and have gotten our annual flu shots. Now isn't that exciting news!

I had thought that during this time I might write some thoughtful opinion post about our first six months on the road, but although many things have run thru my mind, nothing seems to be coming together.

All I can say is we are happy we are doing this. We are enjoying our travels, and are now enjoying staying in one place for a few weeks.  I think we needed this rest time, but I am starting to get a bit of "hitch itch" and am looking forward to our next round of new places and new experiences.  

We will be here until the last week of October, and there is still much to explore and enjoy.  This weekend we will be going to a local festival in Blairsville.  That should be fun.

Till the next time ...


  1. Nice to hear from you, Merikay. You are in a lovely place to spend some down time. Looking forward to seeing where you hitch itch takes you next.

  2. Yeah my posts have slowed down for the same reason. When we settle in one place for a while, I have a harder time coming up with stuff to blog about on a more frequent basis. I'm currently writing about once a week and that's been good. I seem to have plenty to say by then! :) I may at some point settle into a two or three times a week pattern. But it's still always good to hear from you when you have enough material for your next post. :)

  3. North Carolina is just the perfect place to chill. Enjoy your quiet time.

  4. Summers for now bring infrequent post for us since all we're doing is working. You've found a beautiful area to chill out for a bit, enjoy your time there.


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