
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best of 2014 - Part C

[From Craig]  This "best of the year" thing is so much fun, I couldn't resist making of a page of my favorites.  Happy New Year!


  1. Hard to pick a favorite here, Craig. They're all good.

  2. the two of you have travelled to some amazing places this past year!

  3. Great pictures there, Craig. I can see why they are some of your favorites. Good times!!!

  4. I love them all! Happy New Year!

  5. Beautiful pictures Craig...
    Hope 2015 is just as beautiful!

  6. You guys have gotten around this year. Hope your days in Florida are sunny and warm.

  7. You have some mighty fine photos there. All the best to you two in the coming year.

  8. what a wonderful year you've both had. Happy New Year and keep on keepen on

  9. Wishing you Happy New Year! Blessings, Lynn

  10. Of course you had to start with the inspirational photo of the SOLD sign - what an exciting moment that was. I hope that you and Merikay continue your journey with the same love and zest for adventure that you have this past year. I love hearing about the places you've seen and especially your comments about them. I feel like I'm sitting right there with you trading stories. Cheers.

  11. Sure have ENJOYED the recap !!! One, two, and part C ..... You two have had such a terrific year .... It has been a thrill to be a part of the journey ..... I love the photos and the memories they bring forth ..... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU BOTH !!! Roll on and keep having fun !!!
    PS. My fav photo, you two in the chairs, in the water in Key West relaxing !!!! Sums it all up !!!!

  12. Loved your recap pictures. Best one was of Craig in the water below the rocks. Nice to see Craig smiling. We've been watching since you started your blogs.


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