
Sunday, December 14, 2014

More Alive

I've been preparing my next post that was to be about a day in Key West, but decided to post this instead.

Tonight I realized I felt more alive, and more content than I have in years. I was just sitting outside the rig in the dark listening to the crickets or whatever bug is making the noise, when I realized I was living in the now. 

I am no longer waiting for something.  

This is it, and I am very comfortable with the here and now.

I often talk to other RVers, either full timers like ourselves, or people enjoying a few days in the parks.  I am often asked if I have any regrets, and the answer is a resounding NO!

I am not looking back, nor am I looking forward.  I am enjoying the days as they happen, good or not. 

Although it is a challenge some of the time, I really enjoy going to a new place and discovering new things. After a week or so I feel like the place is home, but I am also ready to move on.

This life may not be for everyone, but I am SO glad we gave it a try.

I waited a long time to be here. 

Now is my best time.


  1. I am happy for you both. Sleep tight, and don't let any of those bugs bite!!

  2. Once you give it a try it hooks you doesn't it?

  3. So sweet to hear this, Merikay. I know the feeling....I get it on the road and off the road, and my choices fit well also. I do remember so well how long you waited for this. I also remember so well times in my life when the "now" wasn't a lot of fun. Aren't we lucky?!?!

  4. I totally agree! Loving this lifestyle!

  5. Absolutely, and a resounding cheer for all of us 'living in the now'. :)

  6. Isn't it a great lifestyle, no regrets...

  7. Well said. I remember how anxious you were at times when you were in the dreaming/planning stages. So glad it has all come together!!!

  8. After eleven years we are still enjoying the RV life. It has been a dream & we don't want to wake up anytime soon.

  9. Tracy and I were having this very conversation this weekend as we were camping. We are several years away from having this lifestyle, but I am certainly trying to live in the moment while we wait. Glad you have found it and are enjoying it.

  10. I completely agree with you. Fulltiming is everything we hoped for and more. Happy trails!

  11. I'm so happy for you - don't you wish you could bottle up this feeling to sip on for times we forget how to live in the now. Enjoy!

  12. This is wonderful. Being here now is the place to be. I don't know if its appropriate to say you're 'proud' of a parent, but that's how I feel.

  13. It's so wonderful to hear you saying this and it goes so well with your header photo. Lately there have been a rash of Facebook posts from some who ask if most people hate full-timing as much as they do. Of course, when you read the posts, most who hate it are living in a trailer or motorhome full time in a mobile home park. I can understand why they wouldn't like it but sitting in a trailer/motorhome in one spot for years at a time just doesn't seem like full-time "RVing" to me. Hope you continue to enjoy your new lifestyle for a good long time.

  14. congrats to making the journey to the other side...

  15. So glad to hear this! Jer and I have only been 'on the road' for 2 1/2 months. I am mostly not adjusted yet, but am starting to have moments when I realize where we are and just smile! It is great.....

  16. I was thrilled to read your post today. I well remember the years you waited to hit the road and the overwhelming amount of work you and Craig did to get your property ready for sale. Living in the moment is something I've rarely been able to do, and it's something I hope for when we become full-time travelers in March 2016. But since I'm the planner, I'm afraid that always having to think about where we'll be every staying every night will interfere with that. I'm hoping not.

  17. We were gravitating towards full timing back in 08 but the financial fiasco that year knocked us off course & we never got ourselves back on the fulltiming track again. No doubt we missed a great opportunity for a lifestyle we probably would have adopted to very well. However it is what it is & we have had to go with our Snow Bird lifestyle which after keeping all the pros first & foremost has worked out reasonably well for us. But I do wonder at times how different things could have been. Great that you have both taken to the fulltiming lifestyle like Ducks to water. I am somewhat envious of your mobile freedom. This sitting around the house for weeks or months on end drives me absolutely bonkers at times but I am only 1 of 2 decision makers here. Nice that you are able to relax in the now. I would call that being content. For some of us contentment is only a fleeting glimpse of how we wished we really were. Safe traveling guys. For are doing it right:))

  18. Merikay, I love the header photo !!!!! I have mentioned it before when you first put it up but it really says so much about being relaxed !!! Love that the wine glasses are waiting on a refill ..... You are so in the now is such a positive thing is such a good place to be ..... No matter what the state of affairs may be ..... I am thrilled your plans all worked out...... And happy you two are having FUN as you roll on down the road ......

  19. What a wonderful feeling to be content in the now. I'm so glad we had our 3 years of FT and still think we may do it again, at least maybe 4-6 months a year. Giving up your house is a huge step and it's terrible if you regret it. But if you know you made the right decision...ahhhh. What a weight that has been lifted.


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